International Championship 2024 Kyokushinkai Karate
International Championship 2024 Kyokushinkai-Karate Sarnen / Switzerland
We invite you to participate:
Sports hall: Dreifachturnhalle Kantonsschule, 6060 Sarnen
Saturday 6th of april 2024
We are extending the registration deadline until March 15, 2024 so that karatekas outside Europe also have enough time to obtain a Schengen visa and then still be able to register.
Open to all full contact karate organizations.
This international championship is conducted according to the rules of full contact karate.
We only invite organizations and dojos/clubs that practice full contact karate, and we only accept registrations from a dojo/club or organization; registration of a single person is not acceptable.
Kumite Kyokushin for children, youth, adults and veterans in different ages and weight classes
(See competition regulations for details)
Full Kyokushin rules in all categories
10-11 years: -30, -35, -40, -45, -50, +50 kg
12-13 years: -40, -45, -50, -55, -60, +60 kg
14-15 years: -50, -55, -60, -65, -70, +70 kg
16-17 years: -60, -65, -70, -75, -80, +80 kg
18+ years: -65, -70, -75, -80, -85, -90, +90 kg
40+ years: -80, +80 kg
10-11 years: -35, -40, +40 kg
12-13 years: -40, -45, -50, +50 kg
14-15 years: -45, -50, -55, +55 kg
16-17 years: -50, -55, -60, +60 kg
18+ years: -55, -60, -65, +65 kg
40+ years: -65, +65 kg
• Limit is max 4 participants per country in each category.
(Switzerland, as the organizer, has twice the contingent)
If there are not enough participants registered per category, the organizers reserve the right to combine weight classes
Registration fee: Kumite €40
Referees from all organizations are welcome (Registration: Smoothcomp) (Coach too)
Competition regulations for Kyokushinkai Karate(World Kyokushin Budokai WKB)
Registration: Tournament Software Smoothcomp
Some accomodation possibilities
Please note that you cannot book directly at the two official accommodations. Contact us and we will send you an Excel sheet.
Note: Manuel tournament software Smoothcomp (
Karate Do Obwalden
Ming Karate Switzerland
Shihan Klaus Ming 7. DAN
International Championship 2024 Kyokushinkai-Karate Sarnen / Schweiz
Wir laden Sie ein teilzunehmen:
Sporthalle: Dreifachturnhalle Kantonsschule, CH 6060 Sarnen
Samstag, 6. April 2024
Offen für alle Vollkontakt Karate Organisationen
Kumite Kyokushin für Kinder, Jugendliche, Erwachsene und Senioren in verschiedenen Alters- und Gewichtsklassen (Details siehe Wettkampf-Reglement)Kyokushin-Karate Regeln in allen Kategorien
10-11 years: -30, -35, -40, -50, +50 kg
12-13 years: -40, -45, -50, -60, +60 kg
14-15 years: -50, -55, -60, -70, +70 kg
16-17 years: -60, -65, -70, -80, +80 kg
18+ years: -65, -70, -75, -80, -85, -90, +90 kg
40+ years: -80, +80 kg
10-11 years: -35, -40, +40 kg
12-13 years: -40, -45, -50, +50 kg
14-15 years: -45, -50, -55, +55 kg
16-17 years: -50, -60, +60 kg
18+ years: -55, -60, +65 kg
40+ years: -65, +65 kg
Maximum 4 Karateka’s pro Land pro Kategorie
Startgeld: Kumite SFr. 40
Schiedsrichter von allen Organisationen sind willkommen (Registration: Smoothcomp)
Wettkampf-Reglement für Kyokushinkai-Karate (World Kyokushin Budokai WKB)
Registration; Turniersoftware Smoothcomp
Zu den Unterkunftmöglichkeiten
Hinweis: Anleitung Turniersoftware Smoothcomp (siehe
Kyokushinkai Elite Women 18+ 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Elite Women 40+ 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Elite Men 18+ 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai (Cadets) Girls 16-17 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai (Cadets) Boys 16-17 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Girls 14-15 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Boys 14-15 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Girls 12-13 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Boys 12-13 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Girls 10-11 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Boys 10-11 0 CHF
Kyokushinkai Elite Men 40+ 0 CHF
International Referee 0 CHF
Coach 0 CHF