The Combatch Games 3: Adult & Masters
BJJ Competition with equal prize money for men and women.
Round Robin with up to 4 fights and at least 2 fights. This tournament is explicitly aimed at beginners and advanced practitioners.
Gi: IBJJF Rules
Nogi: Whitebelt: IBJJF Whitebelt rules. All other belts: IBJJF Blackbelt rules (including reaping and heelhooks). Master Divisions classic IBJJF Rules (no reaping and heelhooks).
At the end of the weight divisions, the open weight divisions take place, where participants can win cash prizes. The revenue from the entry fees for the open class will be divided among the winners. Men and women will receive the same amount. The following classes will be available:
- Women / White & Bluebelts (Whitebelt Rules)
- Men / White & Bluebelts (Whitebelt Rules)
- Women / Purple, Brown & Blackbelts (Blackbelt Rules)
- Men / Purple, Brown & Blackbelts (Blackbelt Rules)
- When: Sunday: 24.11.2024
- Where: Louise-Schroeder-Platz 1, 13359 Berlin
- Weight In: 09:00 bis 10:00 Uhr in Tshirt and Shorts. Einmal wiegen für Gi und Nogi reicht. Für Leute die nur Nogi kämpfen wird ab 11:30 eine 2. Möglichkeit zum einwiegen geben.
- Organizer: Hilti BJJ Berlin
Registration fee:
- Early bird price: One Division 45€. Gi & Nogi 65€.
- Normal price: One Division 55€. Gi & Nogi 75€
- Late price: One Division 65€. Gi & Nogi 90€
Female Gi 55 EUR
Male Gi 55 EUR
Female Nogi 55 EUR
Male Nogi 55 EUR
Female Absolute Gi 20 EUR
Male Absolute Gi 20 EUR
Female Absolute Nogi 20 EUR
Male Absolute Nogi 20 EUR