Early bird registrations
13 Feb - 28 Mar 10:01
Normal registration
28 Mar - 10 Apr 23:30
Event starts 11 Apr

Adrenaline Sub Only

Adrenaline Sub Only No Gi Round Robin. Sub Only format. All matches are 5 Minutes, if the match ends in a draw there will be a first to score overtime round.


Round robin.

Divisions for males and females

5 people per division, closest in weight.

5 minute matches.

You can win your fight by sub. If there is no sub within the 5 minutes an overtime round starting from the feet will take place with the win going to the competitor who is first to score a point following Grappling Industries rules.

Points for each round are as follows:

Win by sub - 3 points

Win in 'first to score' overtime - 2 points

Loss - 0 points

At the end of all rounds points are tallied up and whoever in the bracket has the most points is the winner. If there is a draw we will offer the competitors one final match to decide the winner.

This is a NO GI compeition.


Legal techniques etc follow Grappling Industries guidelines.



  • Male No-Gi 45 AUD
    17 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 45 AUD
    17 years and above
  • Male Absolute No-Gi (Free if selected with Male No-Gi entry) 0 AUD
  • Female Absolute No-Gi (Free if selected with Female No-Gi entry) 0 AUD

Cancel/Refund policy