Regulations TUISHOU

TUISHOU (push hands) competitions regulations

Age classes:Senior (18-55 years)

Weight classes:

WEIGHT CLASS MEN48 kg (≤ 48 kg)
52 kg (> 48 kg - ≤ 52 kg)
56 kg (> 52 kg - ≤ 56 kg)
60 kg (> 56 kg - ≤ 60 kg)
65 kg (> 60 kg - ≤ 65 kg)
70 kg (> 65 kg - ≤ 70 kg)
75 kg (> 70 kg - ≤ 75 kg)
80 kg (> 75 kg - ≤ 80 kg)
85 kg (> 80 kg - ≤ 85 kg)
90 kg (> 85 kg - ≤ 90 kg)
+90 kg

WEIGHT CLASS WOMAN48 kg (≤ 48 kg)
52 kg (> 48 kg – ≤ 52 kg)
56 kg (> 52 - ≤ 56 kg)
60 kg (> 56 kg - ≤ 60 kg)
65 kg (> 60 kg - ≤ 65 kg)
70 kg (> 65 kg - ≤ 70 kg)
+70 kg (> 70 kg)

Fighting classes:Choose one or more of the following:

● Fixed step pushing hands

● Free Moving step pushing hands

The rules in Tuishou - Push hands i based on the regulations 2012 - TCFE - Taiji Federation for Europe

General rules for Tuishou - Pushing hands (pdf download)


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