Normale registratie
29 Oct - 12 Jan 23:59
Late registraties
12 Jan - 19 Jan 23:59
Evenement start op 25 Jan

Stora Höga Open 2020 Kyokushin Kumite

Stora Höga Open-20, Kumite is an International Kyokushin tournament for children, cadets, juniors, seniors and veterans.

Stora Höga Open is an International Kyokushin tournament. It is open to all Kyokushin groups and organisations which would like to participate and test their skills under the Stora Höga Open Tournament Regulations.

Entrance fee for audience:
40 SEK from 18 and over
20 SEK for 7-17
Free for 7 and under

Fee for the fighters:
Please note that the fee will raise with 50 SEK from the 13 of January (Late registration).


You can find live stream from Tatami A - C here "Live stream”.

Preliminary Program

Friday 24/1
18.00-20.00 Registration and weighing

Saturday 25/1
07.30-08.30 Registration and weighing
08.00-08.30 Information for Judges
08.50 Set up for march per club in size, shortest first
09.00 Entrance, greeting, welcome speech
09.15 The competition starts
Approx. 13.00-14.00  Break and price ceremony for age 7-13
Approx. 18.30 Price ceremony for age 14 and up

Match time:
7-11 year - 1.30 + 1 min 
12-15 years - 2 + 1 min
16-17 years - 2 + 2 min
No weight for the competitors under 18, it will be a decision after the last extension.

Seniors and Veterans, Semi Contact - 2 + 2 (weight) + 2 min
Seniors Full Contact - 3 + 2 (weight) + 2 min
Weight difference 5 kg (Men +80 kg is 10 kg)

In the classes with 3 competitors, it will be Round Robin. In case of equal, the following parameters will decide the placement:
Most Ippon (total)
Most Waza-ari (total)
Least Genten (total)
Least Chui (total)
Least Absolute weight

Detailed information about the tournament:Regulations
Please note:
The semi contact divisions for the Seniors is for beginners. If you have competed in more than three full contact tournaments, you should register in the full contact division.
The Veteran classes is open to all from 40 years of age and above.

The full contact rulesYou can find the rules for the full contact divisions here:
Full contact rules
The rules are in Swedish, If you have any questions, please send a mail to: [email protected]

Criteria for competingA competitor will be asked for proof of age by producing an ID card or country passport.
Extra Criteria for Swedish competitors (only) For legal reasons, Swedish competitors (only) from the age of 12 must be able to produce a competitors card (“tävlingskort”) issued from an organization under the Swedish Sports Confederation (“Riksidrottsförbundet”) (such as “Budo och Kampsportsförbundet” or “Karateförbundet”).


Hotell Spekeröd,
A hotel near the arena and near the high way.

Offers hostel and cabins in Stenungsund, less then 5 kilometers from Stenungsund Arena where the competition is held. Prices and selection of accommodations can be found on For booking, contact Stenungsögården direct either on homepage or tel. +46 303 770 080.

Stenungsbaden Yacht Club
Booking through their website;

Stenungsunds Camping
A hostel close to the arena.

Winn hotel, Backadal
20 minutes from the arena. The rooms are booked directly with the hotel at, Quality Hotel Winn, Tel: +46 31 750 19 00

More places to stay may be presented later.



  • Juniors 200 SEK
  • Seniors 250 SEK
  • Veterans +40 250 SEK

Cancel/Refund policy