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{{ club.name}}
Men No-Gi / Expert / 150 - 159.9 (Light Weight) / Adult (Adults)
Women Gi / Blue / 110 - 119.9 (Straw Weight) / Master (30+) (Adults)
Men No-Gi / Beginner / 190 - 199.9 (Cruiser Weight) / Adult ask winner to go to INT — (Adults)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 8 years / 70 - 79.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children Gi (Male) / Beginner / 11 years / 70 - 79.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Advanced / 13 years / 80 - 89.9 (Kids and Teens)
Gi Blue 150-160 Master (Adults)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 7 years / 60 - 69.9 (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 16 years / 160 - 169.9 extyra match for tristan. same team. speak to ref//lit 2. DOUBLE CHECK bracket, MICHAEL 170.2 -rq — (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 7 years / 60 - 69.9 (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 15 years / 130 - 139.9 extra match for Bo. moved up to exp for belt//lit — (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Female) / Expert / 17 years / 130 - 139.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / 6 years / Novice / 50 - 69.9 Breanna moved weight pls double CHECK bracket — (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Advanced / 15 years / 120 - 129.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / 12&13 years / Advanced / 100 - 109.9 Ask Nicole if willing to take extra match against Neha Sidana//JH — (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 7 years / 60 - 69.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 11 years / 110 - 119.9 Iniyan presumably APPROVED by Lit -Q — (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 14 years / 140 - 149.9 (Kids and Teens)
Teens Gi (Male) / Beginner / 14 years / 120 - 129.9 (Kids and Teens)
Teens Gi (Female) / Intermediate / 16 years / 130 - 139.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 7 years / 60 - 69.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 10 years / 70 - 79.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / 7 years / Beginner / 40 - 49.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 10 years / 90 - 109.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 11 years / 70 - 79.9 (Kids and Teens)
Teens Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 14 years / 100 - 109.9 Ask for match against Maylin Nguyen, Female, Same age and weight.//JH — (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / 9 years / Intermediate / 50 - 69.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 11 years / 110 - 119.9 Iniyan presumably APPROVED by Lit -Q — (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 6 & 7years / 40 - 49.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 13 years / 150 - 159.9 ACHILLES APPROVED — (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 11 years / 70 - 79.9 (Kids and Teens)
Children Gi (Male) / Beginner / 6 years / 50 - 59.9 (Kids and Teens)