No gi rules
No gi contests will use the following rules: -
Legal Techniques
All techniques attacking the elbow and shoulder
Choking techniques not seeking to close the windpipe
Straight foot locks (achilles locks)
Illegal techniques (Instant Disqualification)
Slams from guard and out of a submission
Spiking techniques (suplexes, powerbomb/piledriver style moves)
Choking techniques seeking to close the windpipe
Knee reaping
Wrist locks
Toe Holds
Estima Locks
Calf slicers
Bicep slicers
Spinal locks
Heel Hooks
Scissor takedowns
Flying Submissions
Fishhooking/ eye gouging / inserting fingers/toes into orifices
Illegal Techniques (Penalty)
Jumping guard
Gripping opponents clothing
Covering nose / mouth to interrupt breathing.
Legal Techniques
All techniques attacking the elbow and shoulder
Choking techniques not seeking to close the windpipe
Straight foot lock (achilles locks)
Wrist locks
Calf slicers
Bicep slicers
Jumping guard
Flying Submissions
Illegal Techniques (Instant Disqualification)
Slams from guard and out of a submission
Spiking techniques (suplexes, powerbomb/piledriver style moves)
Fishhooking/ eye gouging / inserting fingers/toes into orifices
Choking techniques seeking to close the windpipe
Knee reaping
Toe Holds
Estima Locks
Heel Hooks
Scissor takedowns
Illegal Techniques (Penalty)
Small Joint manipulations (attacking 3 or less fingers or toes)
Gripping opponents clothing
Covering nose / mouth to interrupt breathing.
Legal Techniques
All techniques attacking the elbow and shoulder
Choking techniques not seeking to close the windpipe
Straight foot lock (achilles locks)
Wrist locks
Knee Reaping
Toe Holds
Estima Locks
Calf slicers
Bicep slicers
Jumping guard
Flying Submissions
Illegal Techniques (Instant Disqualification)
Slams from guard and out of a submission
Spiking techniques (suplexes, powerbomb/piledriver style moves)
Fishhooking/ eye gouging / inserting fingers/toes into orifices
Choking techniques seeking to close the windpipe
Heel Hooks
Scissor takedowns
Illegal Techniques (Penalty)
Small Joint manipulations (attacking 3 or less fingers or toes)
Gripping opponents clothing
Covering nose / mouth to interrupt breathing.
All techniques attacking the elbow and shoulder
Choking techniques not seeking to close the windpipe
Straight foot lock (achilles locks)
Wrist locks
Toe Holds
Estima Locks
Calf slicers
Bicep slicers
Jumping guard
Flying Submissions
Spinal locks (Adult & Masters only)
Heel Hooks (Adult & Masters only)
Scissor takedowns (Adult & Masters only)
Illegal Techniques (Instant DQ)
Slams from guard and out of a submission
Spiking techniques (suplexes, powerbomb/piledriver style moves)
Choking techniques seeking to close the windpipe
Fishhooking/ eye gouging / inserting fingers/toes into orifices
Illegal Techniques (Penalty)
Gripping opponents clothing
Small Joint manipulations (attacking 3 or less fingers or toes)
Absolute Men - Gi 10 GBP
Absolute Women - Gi 10 GBP
Male No-Gi 50 GBP18 years and above
Absolute Men - No Gi 10 GBP
Female No-Gi 50 GBP18 years and above
Male Gi 50 GBP18 years and above
Absolute Women - No Gi 10 GBP
Female Gi 50 GBP18 years and above