تسجيل عادي
19 Mar - 25 Jun 3:20 pm
بداية الفعالية 24 Jun


Vă asteaptăm la malul Mării Negre pentru a cea mai mare competiție de BJJ a verii , Tomis BJJ Open GI & NO GI a 8-a ediție

Concursul se va desfasura in data de 24.06.2023.

Data limita de inscriere este 16.06.2023.

Adresa: Sala Sporturilor, Bulevardul Tomis 102-104, Constanta

Campionatul va avea divizii de copii, juvenili, adulti, master 1 (peste 30 de ani) si master 2 (peste 35 de ani) GI si No GI

Informatii privind categoriile : https://ajptour.com/en/ajp-divisions

Regulament : https://ibjjf.com/books-videos

Inscrierile se fac doar pe platforma https://smoothcomp.com/

Ora de incepere a competitiei: 10.00

Cluburile trebuie sa prezinte certificatele de nastere pentru sportivii sub 14 ani, sportivii peste 14 ani trebuie sa prezinte un act de identitate valid.

Date despre cantarul oficial si validare:

Data si ora :

-23 iunie: 18:00 - 20:30  ( vineri seara )                                                                                    

-24 iunie: 08:00 - 09:00 ( sambata dimineata )

Cantarul se face  in pantaloni scurti si tricou.

Cantarul poate fi efectuat doar in intervalul mentionat anterior.


Sportivii care se prezinta la cantar si  nu se incadreaza in categoria de greutate in care sunt inscrisi  vor fi mutati in categoria  de greutate superioara, daca plătesc o suprataxa de 50 de lei.

Inainte ca sporivi  sa se prezinte in zona destinata cantarului acestia trebuie sa se asigure ca  taxa de participare a fost achitata.

Echipamentul trebuie sa fie specific sportului Jiu Jitsu Brazilian.

Sportivi care nu au echipament conform nu pot participa la concurs.

Taxa de inscriere:

* 150 lei Adulti/Master GI & NO GI

*  100 lei Kids Gi

* 100 lei juvenil GI & NO GI 

* 125 lei proba Adulti/master ( Pentru sportivi inscrisi la doua sau mai multe probe)

* 75 lei proba Kids Gi (Pentru sportivi inscrisi la doua sau mai multe probe)

* 75 lei Juvenil GI & NO GI (Pentru sportivi inscrisi la doua sau mai multe probe)

Taxa se poate achita cash inainte de cantarul official la caserie, sau cu OP, in avans.

Inscrierea la categoria open este disponibila pentru cei care s-au clasat pe podium la categoria lor de greutate.

Antrenorii trebuie sa se prezinte la inregistrare/cantar cu toata delegatia de sportivi sub 18 ani.

Pentru sportivii minori este necesara completarea unui acord parental.

Sportivii U18 se încadrează în următoarele categorii valorice:

-Sportivii care practica bjj de mai puțin de un an si dețin centura alba sau gri cu alb trebuie inscrisi la categoria " centuri albe "

- Sportivii care practica bjj 1 - 3 ani si dețin centura gri sau gri cu negru trebuie inscrisi la categoria " centura gri "

- Sportivii care practica bjj 3 - 6 ani si dețin centura galbena cu alb, galbena sau galbena cu negru trebuie inscrisi la categoria " centura galbena "

Sportivii care practica bjj de mai mult de 6 ani trebuie inscrisi la categoria " centura portocalie"

Criterii de comasare

1. Comasarea cu categoria imediat superioara daca exista

2. Comasarea cu varsta superioara, pastrand categoria de greutate.

3. Comasarea cu centura superioara, doar cu pastrarea grupei de varsta


1. Comasarea cu categoria imediat superioara daca exista

2. Comasarea cu centura superioara, doar cu pastrarea grupei de varsta


1. Comasarea cu categoria imediat superioara daca exista

2. Comasarea cu varsta inferioara, pastrand categoria de greutate.

3. Comasarea cu centura superioara, doar cu pastrarea grupei de varsta

Pentru mai multe informatii  antrenorii pot contacta organizatorii: [email protected] si  Whatsapp – 0740915591

Nota: In cazul in care capacitatea maxima este atinsa, inscrierile se pot inchide mai devreme!

We welcome you to the Black Sea shore for the biggest BJJ competition of the summer, the 8th edition of Tomis BJJ Open GI & NO GI.

The competition will take place on June 24, 2023, at Sala Sporturilor, 102-104 Tomis Boulevard, Constanta. The registration deadline is June 16, 2023.

The championship will have divisions for kids, juveniles, adults, master 1 (over 30 years old), and master 2 (over 35 years old) in both GI and No GI categories.

More information about the categories can be found at https://ajptour.com/en/ajp-divisions, and the rules are available at https://ibjjf.com/books-videos.

Registration is exclusively online via https://smoothcomp.com/.

The competition will begin at 10:00 AM, and clubs must present birth certificates for athletes under 14 years old, while athletes over 14 must present a valid ID.

Official weigh-in and validation information:

Date and time:

June 23: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Friday night)

June 24: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM (Saturday morning)

Athletes must weigh-in wearing shorts and a t-shirt. There will be no tolerance for being over the weight limit. Athletes who show up on June 23, 2023 (Friday) and do not meet their registered weight category will be moved to the higher weight category, and those who show up on June 24, 2023 (Saturday) and do not meet their registered weight category will be disqualified. Before heading to the weigh-in station, athletes must ensure that they have paid their participation fee.

Athletes must wear specific Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gear, and those who do not have proper equipment will not be able to participate in the competition.

Registration fees:

Adults/Master GI & NO GI: 30 euro

Kids/Juvenil GI & NO GI: 20 euro

Additional category fee for adults/master (for athletes registered for two or more categories): 25 euro

Additional category fee for kids/juvenile (for athletes registered for two or more categories): 15 euro

Fees can be paid in cash at the registration booth before the official weigh-in or in advance via OP. Athletes who place on the podium in their weight category are eligible to compete in the open category.

Coaches must present their entire delegation of athletes under 18 years old at registration/weigh-in, and a parental consent form is required for minor athletes. U18 athletes fall into the following categories:

-Athletes who have been practicing BJJ for less than a year and hold a white or gray belt with white stripe should register for the "white belts" category.

Athletes who have been practicing BJJ for 1-3 years and hold a gray or gray belt with a black stripe should register for the "gray belts" category.

Athletes who have been practicing BJJ for 3-6 years and hold a yellow belt with a white stripe, a yellow belt, or a yellow belt with a black stripe should register for the "yellow belts" category.

Athletes who have been practicing BJJ for more than 6 years should register for the "orange belts" category.

Criteria for combining categories:

Combine with the next highest category if available.

Combine with the next oldest age group while maintaining the weight category.

Combine with the next highest belt level while maintaining the age group.


Combine with the next highest category if available.

Combine with the next highest belt level while maintaining the age group.

For more information, coaches can contact the organizers: [email protected] and Whatsapp - 0740915591.

Note: In case the maximum capacity is reached, registrations may close earlier!



  • Juvenile Boys No-Gi 100 RON
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls No-Gi 100 RON
    16-17 years
  • Male No-Gi 150 RON
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 150 RON
    18 years and above
  • Boys Gi 100 RON
  • Girls Gi 100 RON
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 100 RON
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 100 RON
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 150 RON
    18 years and above
  • Female Gi 150 RON
    18 years and above
  • Superfight 100 RON
  • Open 0 RON

Cancel/Refund policy