15201 San Pedro, San Antonio, United States


Person in charge
Professor Luiz Sergio 'Marra' Corrêa

About Marra Senki Competition Team
The Marra Senki Jiu-Jitsu Competition Team is a world wide affiliation of academies founded and led by Professor Luiz Sergio 'Marra' Corrêa. Marra Senki Competition Team's roots are traced back through Master Carlson Gracie's fight team in Brazil and of course grounded in the teachings of Grand Master Carlos and Helio Gracie. Although the majority of Marra Senki Affiliates are led by Black Belt Professors who came up under Professor Marra, there are some who have shown the character and aptitude to represent this team in excellence and live up to our motto "Relentless and Always Loyal". For more information and if you feel you have what it takes to be a part of this team contact us via the contact information on this page.

Associated academies

71 members