

Dress & Equipment

  • »  All competitors must wear a mouthguard.
  • »  Groin guards are compulsory for kids and youths 
  • »  Rashguard or a shirt of elastic fabric (clings to body).WOMEN» Shorts or lycra elastic pants - without pockets or with pockets entirely stitched shut and reaching at least halfway down the thigh and at most to the knee. Attached metal or plastic of any kind that may hurt the opponent is expressly forbidden on the board shorts.

» Shorts or lycra elastic pants - without pockets or with pockets entirely stitched shut and reaching at least halfway down the thigh and at most to the knee. Attached metal or plastic of any kind that may hurt the opponent is expressly forbidden on the board shorts.

» Rashguard or a shirt of elastic fabric (clings to body). 


  • »  Any hard or rigid strapping which could cause injury or harm during a match
  • »  Joint protectors (knee, elbow braces, etc.) that increase body volume to thepoint of making it harder for an opponent to grip or lock (submit)
  • »  Full length compression training pants, tops or similiar
  • »  Board shorts or pants with pockets
  • »  Loose shirts of any kind
  • »  No gloves of any kind
  • »  Grease, liniments, oils or other similar substances
  • »  Foot gear (including wrestling boots)
  • »  Head gear
  • »  Hair pins
  • »  Jewellery and piercingsHygiene
  • »  Athletes’ finger and toe nails should be trimmed and short
  • »  Long hair should be tied up so as not to cause opponents any discomfort
  • »  Athletes will be disqualified if they are wearing hair dye that stains
  • »  Athletes presenting skin lesions or any other skin condition shall be directed tothe tournament medical staff. Under any circumstances, the medical staff has the final say on whether to allow an athlete to compete or notNote: Competitors who arrive without the correct attire will not be allowed to compete.

Competition Area

The competition area shall be covered with protective matting covering an area no less than 6 meters X 6 metres and/or a MMA arena.

Match Duration


1 x 5-minute round. If there is no determined winner, both competitors will be given a 1-minute break with the subsequent overtime/eliminator round will be 3 minutes.


1 x 3-minute round. If there is no determined winner, both competitors will be given a 1-minute break with the subsequent overtime/eliminator round will be 2 minutes.


In cases of two competitors in a single weight division, the winner of the division will be based on best of three 5-minute rounds (3-minutes for kids)


Weigh-ins commences ONE hour prior to the advertised division starting time. Weigh-ins will be open for 50 minutes. If you fail to make weight you will have the opportunity to make it withinthe time period before the advertised division starting time. Failure to make weight results in your automatic disqualification for the event. You will not be able to move to a different weight division (unless you have already pre-registered in a second nominated weight division).


The competition divisions and order will be divided by weight and experience level of the competitors as decided by the officials. Weight divisions can be combined by the promotion and competitors will be notified prior to the event.

YOUTHS (13-17) 

Under 50KG Under 55KG Under 60KG Under 65KG Under 70KG Under 75KG Under 80KG 80+kg

Kids (8-10) 

Under 30KG Under 35KG Under 40KG Under 45KG Under 50kg Under 55kg Under 60kg 60+kg

Kids (11-12)  

Under 45KG Under 50kg Under 55kg Under 60kg Under 65kg Under 70kg Under 75kg 75+kg

Competition Rules

  • »  All matches will start from a standing position in the centre of the mat area
  • »  Both competitors will engage, competitors must engage if directed to do so by the referee
  • »  Throws, trips, takedowns or sweeps are permitted to take an opponent to the ground
  • »  The contest will continue on the ground
  • »  If, in the referee’s opinion, the match is stalled on the ground or standing, he will break thecompetitors and recommence the match from the central standing position
  • »  The match referee reserves the right to decide if either of the competitors is deliberatelyattempting to avoid or stall. If the referee believes there is a breach of the rule, he can penalise or if continually occurring, disqualify the offending competitorProhibited Acts/Actions

» Any un-sportsman like conduct from the competitor and their cornermen, as decided by the competition officials (swearing, stalling, disrespect of any kind to officials or opponent)

  • »  Spitting
  • »  Slamming or spiking opponent onto their head or neck
  • »  Any deliberate striking or kicking technique
  • »  Coaches, trainers or team members entering the contest area
  • »  Direct digital pressure to any area of the opponent
  • »  Continually avoiding engagement
  • »  Disobeying of the referee’s orders
  • »  Grabbing of the opponent’s uniform
  • »  Sitting or kneeling with no grips or control of the opponent

Determining a winner

Match decisions shall be issued in the following forms:


  • »  When an athlete taps twice with his/her hand on the opponent, ground, or his/herself in a clear and apparent manner.
  • »  When the athlete taps the ground twice with his/her foot, when arms are trappedby opponent. When the athlete verbally withdraws, requesting the match be stopped.
  • »  When the athlete screams or emits noise expressing pain while trapped in a submission hold.Stoppage
  • »  When one of the athletes alleges to be suffering from cramps, the opponent shall be declared winner of the match.
  • »  When the referee perceives that a hold in place may expose the athlete to serious physical injury.
  • »  When the doctor deems one of the athletes to be unable to continue a match due to injury rendered by the opponent using a legal hold.
  • »  When an athlete presents bleeding that cannot be contained after being treated by the doctor on 2 (two) occasions, to which each athlete has the right for each injury and should be provided upon the referee’s request.
  • »  When an athlete vomits or loses control of basic bodily functions, with involuntary urination or bowel incontinence.DisqualificationAny competitor committing more than two (2) prohibited acts or actions during his/her bout will be immediately disqualified from that bout and the opponent will be deemed the winner. Competitors and coaches will be warned and notified when a prohibited act or action has been committed by the match referee.Loss of ConsciousnessThe athlete shall be declared to have lost the match upon losing consciousness due to a legal hold applied by the opponent or due to an accident not stemming from an illegal manoeuvreby the opponent. Note: Athletes who lose consciousness because of head trauma should not be allowed to compete again in the same tournament and should be directed to undergo treatment from medical staff.Referee DecisionIf at the end of a match neither competitor is submitted, the referee will consult with the second judge to determine which competitor was seen as the more aggressive/dominant fighter. The competitor seen as attempting more submissions than defence control shall be deemed the winner, i.e. the competitor deemed to be actively attempting to apply the most submissions.To determine the winner, the referee should take note of which athlete displayed greater offense during the match and came closest to achieving possible submission-scoring positions (Dominance).Overtime RoundsIf the judges cannot decide equally or dispute each other’s decision, the competitors shall go to a second round where a winner will be determined based on effective control, aggressive and attempts to finish the bout.

Lack of Combativeness (stalling)

Lack of combativeness (stalling) is defined by one athlete clearly not pursuing positional progression in a match and also when an athlete impedes his/her opponent from carrying out said progression. When both athletes simultaneously demonstrate a lack of combativeness (stalling) in any position in a match.

When both athletes pull guard at the same time, the referee will start a 20 second countdown. If at end of this 20 second countdown, even if the athletes are moving, one of the athletes does not reach the top position, does not have a submission in hold,or is not imminently completing a point scoring move, the referee will stop the fight and give a penalty to both athletes. In this situation, the referee will restart the combat in standing position. Lack of combativeness (stalling) is not declared when an athlete is defending his/herself from an opponent’s attacks from mount, back- control, side-control or north-south positions. Will not be considered lack of combativeness when an athlete is in mount or back position, as long as the characteristics of the technical position are respected.

Examples of situations constituting lack of combativeness (stalling):

  • »  When an athlete, upon achieving side-control or north-south positions over an opponent, does not seek positional progression.
  • »  When an athlete in an opponent’s closed guard does not seek to pass guard and at the same time prevents the opponent from seeking positional progression from guard.
  • »  When the bottom athlete playing closed guard wraps his/her arms around the opponent’s back or performs any other controlling movement clutching the opponent to him/her without intending to achieve a submission or score.
  • Youth and Kids matches will be stopped at the referee’s discretion at any time during the match if the referee believes it is in the best interest of the child’s safety. It is imperative that coaches and parents both understand that the Lockdown staff and crew are here to look out for the children’s safety first and foremost. We are not concerned with who wins and loses and will have no tolerance for coaches and parents that cause a commotion due to a referee decision.
  • Disputes All disputes regarding match results or decisions must be directed to the senior Competition Official (provided by the sanctioning body) by the head trainer or coach of the competitor involved (competitors are not permitted to approach the Senior Competition Official with their concerns without first conferring with their head coach/trainer).Any dispute must be made before the competitor in question commences his/her next match. If the dispute arises during the competitor’s final match, the head trainer/coach should approach the senior Competition Official as soon as practical.


  • Kids 8yrs -10yrs 70 AUD
  • Kids 11yrs - 12yrs 70 AUD
  • Youths 13yrs - 15yrs 70 AUD
  • Youths 16yrs - 17yrs 70 AUD
  • Coaches Registration 0 AUD
    2 Coaches per Gym will be allowed free entry.

Cancel/Refund policy