Early bird registrations
24 Sep - 14 Oct 13:59
Normální registrace
14 Oct - 24 Oct 23:59
Pozdní registrace
24 Oct - 28 Oct 23:59
Soutěž začíná 30 Oct

Oct 30, 2021

1st Swiss Grappling will be hold in Lausanne.


  • The Championship is tournament style and only winner goes through to the next round.
  • No slippery substances allowed on body or clothing.
  • The mat area is 10 x 10 meters, no cage or fence.
  • If the fighters go out of this area, the referee will restart the fight in the center of the mat, in the same position they were when they left the mat when the referee said “Stop”. If the fighters were standing without any established locked position, they will start again facing each other. If a competitor has single or double grips before the ref says stop, the athletes will resume the same position.






  • Submission, Points, Referee decision, opponent disqualification.
  • If one competitor gives up or submits by tapping the leg, arm or verbally. (Tap, I give Up or Mate).
  • If a fight is over without any points being scored by both fighters, the referees will decide the winner according to fighter’s dominance.
  • If Referee feels one competitor is unable to defend himself or feels his life is in danger, the Referee will declare the winner.
  • Fighter will be disqualified by the Referee for breaking forbidden rules.

Weight Classes For The Swiss GrapplinG


BEGINNER (White, Grey belt) Less than 2 years experience and no medals in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling (etc.)

INTERMEDIATE (Blue, Purple belt) From 2 to 4 years experience.

PROFESSIONAL (Brown, Black belt) More than 5 years of experience.

BOYS 15 yrs - 18 yrs  

-50kg, - 60kg, -70kg, -80kg, +80kg

MALE ADULTS +18 yrs & MASTERS +35 yrs + 40 yrs

-65kg, -75kg, -85kg, -94kg, +94kg

GIRLS 15 yrs - 18 yrs

-40kg, -50kg, -55kg, -60kg, +60kg


-50kg, -55kg, -60kg, -70kg, +70kg



  • QUALIFYING ROUNDS = 5 mins / with 02:30 mins overtime if it's a draw. (Max. 1 overtime) - First 02:30 mins no points - Second 02:30 mins with points (negative and positive points) - Overtime 02:30 mins (negative and positive points)
  • FINALS = 6 mins / with 4 mins overtime if it's a draw. (Max. 1 overtime) - First 3 mins no positive points (only negative points will be counted) - Second 3 mins with points (negative and positive points) - Overtime 3 mins (negative and positive points)


  • Any kind of choke (except for using the hand to close the windpipe)
  • Any arm bar, shoulder lock, or wrist lock
  • Any Leg Lock or Ankle Lock
  • Can Opener is allowed
  • Twister is allowed


  • Slamming is allowed only if you are locked in a submission. (If your opponent lets go of the submission while you are about to slam you must let go of the slam) No “Full Nelson”
  • No crucifix
  • No neck cranks that trap both shoulders and puts downward pressure on the neck
  • No spiking your opponent on their head while attempting a takedown
  • No striking of any kind
  • No eye gouging or fish hooking
  • No grabbing the ears
  • No hair pulling
  • No holding of less than 4 fingers or less than 5 toes
  • No thumbing
  • No scratching and pinching
  • No punching of any kind
  • No kicking of any kind
  • No biting
  • No squeezing or putting pressure on the groin area
  • No hands, knees or elbows on face
  • No slippery substances allowed on body or clothing
  • No crossface guillotine twisting the chin
  • No use holding of the T-Shirt or shorts


Each position must be established for 3 seconds or more and being out of any danger of submission in order for points to be awarded!

  • Passing the guard = 3 points - (In order to get the points, the judges will be looking for control, where at least 75% of the opponent’s back should be on the mat).
  • Knee on stomach = 2 points - (Either the inside or outside knee can score, the knee must be in the middle of the stomach and not chest or the sides of the stomach. Opponent can’t be on their side. If you score with knee on the stomach and then remove your knee for 3 secs or more and put your knee back on the stomach for 3 secs or more, you will score again. The positioning of the other leg is irrelevant).
  • Mount position = 2 points - (Both knees must be touching the floor. If there is a size difference between both fighters in Absolute fight and the fighter ca not possibly touch his knees on the mat, the referees will decide if there is enough control to score points. Reverse mount will score as well. If your opponent gets one or both hands trapped under your legs it still scores. Both of your knees must be below the shoulder line. Your opponent’s back must be on the floor).
  • Back mount with hooks = 3 points - (Both hooks and body triangle are acceptable. If you take one hook out or release your body triangle for more than 3 secs and put your hooks or body triangle back in for 3 secs or more, you will score again. Your hooks must not be over any of the shoulders).
  • Takedown (ends Guard or Half Guard) = 2 points - (Opponent’s butt or back needs to be on the mats for 3 secs. If you take your opponent down and they put on a submission you will not be awarded points until you escape the submission threat and solidify for 3 secs).
  • Clean Takedown (ends passed the guard) = 4 points - (You must be outside the guard and not be in the threat of a submission and 75% or more of your opponent’s back must be on the mat. You must solidify the position for 3 secs or more).
  • Sweeps (ends Guard or Half Guard) = 2 points - (Sweep is considered when two athletes are facing each other, change the position from bottom to top and establish for 3 secs or more. You must not be in the threat of a submission).
  • Clean Sweep (ends passed the guard) = 4 points - (When facing each other, change the position from bottom to top ending up outside guard, while more than 75% of opponent’s back is on the floor and establish for 3 secs or more. You must not be in the threat of a submission).
  • Reversals are considered sweeps. If you are being held in side-control or mount and reverse the position from top to bottom you will be awarded points as well, either 2 points if you end up in guard and 4 points if you end up in side-control.
  • Every sweep must be completed in one continuous motion in order to get points awarded.
  • Points for a sweep will be awarded only if the fighter initiates the sweep, not if he is being attacked by his opponent and then he ends up on top.
  • When changing multiple positions, points will be awarded only for the position that has been established for 3 seconds or more.
  • When passing the guard straight to mount or knee on the stomach, points will only be awarded for passing the guard.


  • When a fighter voluntarily jumps in the guard or goes from standing position to a non- standing position by any means and remains down for 3 seconds or more, he will be punished by a minus point.
  • When a fighter disengages from contact, starts backing up and avoids engaging again, he will be punished by minus point.
  • A passive fighter will be warned twice and then will be punished by minus point. The referee will warn the passive player by the words "WARNING PASSIVITY" – after the first minus given there are not going to be any more warnings and the minus points will be given right-away if the fighter continues to be passive.
  • If a fighter is very passive during the first half of the regular fights when there are no minuses, the referees will still give him WARNING for passivity and will punish him with a negative point when the second half of the fight starts!
  • If a minus is given, the referee will halt the action to inform the athlete and their coach that they received a penalty.
  • If two fighters (team-mates) make a fixed fight, they will both be disqualified from the tournament.
  • If a fighter disengages from the fight by constantly fleeing the mat, he will be given a minus point.
  • If a fighter tries to escape a submission by fleeing the math more than ones, he will be punished by minus point.
  • Minus points can be given for bad language or bad behavior from a fighter or his coach.
  • Minus points can be given for not obeying the referees’ commands during the fight.
  • If a fighter intentionally hits or kicks his opponent, he will be disqualified right away.
  • If a fighter tries to initiate any of the ILLEGAL TECHNIQUES, he will be disqualified right away.


  • If you initiate a submission from mount, side control or in someone’s guard and go from top position to bottom position, your opponent will not be awarded sweeping points since you initiated the attack.
  • If your opponent goes for a sweep while you are on top and in the middle of the motion you attack him for a submission, if your opponent escapes the submission and holds you down for 3 sec, he will be awarded with points for a sweep, because he first initiated the motion.
  • If an opponent takes you down and you end up in a turtle position for more than 3 sec there are no points for the takedown.
  • If you shoot for a takedown and in less than 3 secs you pull guard, you will be penalized with a minus.
  • If you shoot for a takedown and in less than 3 secs you go to turtle position breaking the attack, you will be penalized with a minus.
  • If both fighters are standing up and one of them puts one or both of his knees on the mat for more than 3 sec, he will be punished by a minus point.
  • If you shoot for a takedown attempting hard to finish the takedown for more than 3 secs and then pull guard, you will not be penalized with a minus.
  • If you go out of bounds DO NOT stop, only the ref can stop the match and they will resume the same position in the center of the mat.
  • If a fighter unintentionally gets poked in the eye or hit in the groin area starts bleeding, he will be given 2 minutes to recover and if he cannot continue, he will be out, losing the fight.

Competition Format

  • The deadline for the registration is a week before the event.
  • The brackets with the fight numbers have to be done one day before the weigh-in.
  • One weigh-in place and scale, where the fighters can check their weights before the tournament starts, the area have to be separated so that only the fighter and his coach can have access to the area, no outsiders.
  • Two runners for each mat (bring fighters for weigh-in, to the mats and fill brackets).
  • For the trials, the referees will check the brackets.
  • The event needs to have a doctor present for the entire time of the tournament.
  • Two watches for each mat.
  • There must always be at least one full size mat area for warm up.
  • Each mat needs to have a head referee – and at least two additional referees.
  • All referees are obligated to work on the mat and on the points during the competitions.

Check List for Weigh-In

Fighters must have when arriving:

  • ID (passport, driver’s license etc.).
  • Receipt of payment for tournament.
  • Equipment must be clean and in good shape.
  • Short nails.

Fighters are called-in two fights before their own, so one pair fighting, next pair waiting behind referee table and third pair in weigh-in check.

Fighters have to give ID to the referee’s table and they will get it back after the fight.



  • Women +18 years 60 CHF
  • Men +18 years 60 CHF
  • Girls 15-17 years 40 CHF
  • Boys 15-17 years 40 CHF
  • Open Class Woman 0 CHF

Cancel/Refund policy