
Rules and Info 

General rules (These rules apply to all divisions and ages)

  • No holding or pulling on individual fingers 
  • No slamming of any kind
  • No pulling on hair or ANY piece of clothing
  • No eye gouging or any contact to the eye area
  • No punching, kicking or any other types of strikes
  • No type of substance that will make you slippery or harder to grip
  • No placing knee anywhere near the neck or face


  • All athletes must wear a skin tight rash guard with suitable grappling shorts or spants/tights.
  • all clothing must have NO zips, pockets or anything sharp that could harm other competitors or the mat surface.

Match layout

  • This competition is submission only, meaning the only way a competitor can win is by submission. 
  • If no submission is reached by the end of the time limit it will go into EBI O.T 
  • Please Note: EBI O.T is only used in our adult divisions, if no submission is reached at the end of a Kids/Youth/Teens division it will be a referee's decision which will be based on submission attempts, control and aggression/who was pushing the pace. 

Match Length 

  • Kids/Youth/Teens: 4 mins
  • White belt: 4 mins
  •  Blue belt: 5 mins
  •  Purple belt and up: 6 mins

Division format 

  • All divisions will be contested in a round-robin format, divisions with 5 or less competitors will compete in a true round robin meaning they will fight everyone in their division. Divisions with 6 or 7 competitors will be a round robin with a maximum of 4 matches then the 2 competitors who won the most matches will fight in the final for gold and silver (bronze goes to 3rd on the table). Any divisions with 8 or more competitors will be split into 2 pools and will have a true round robin in their pool, 1st place in each pool will compete for gold and silver and then the second place in each pool will fight in the bronze match.
  • Points will be accumulated throughout your matches to decide placings (1 point for wins, and 0 points for loss)
  • Contestants will be awarded medals based on the overall points order.
  • If there is a draw in points, the tie breakers will go in the order 1. head to head 2. Most submissions 3. fastest win.

Legal and illegal submissions

Kids divisions - all general rules apply

  • NO leg attacks
  • NO standing guillotines
  • Guillotine from seated position are OK
  • Pulling the head down on a triangle is OK
  • NO neck cranks 
  • NO spinal locks
  • Armbars, kimuras, omoplatas are OK
  • NO wrist locks
  • NO Bicep slicers
  • ALL head and arm chokes are OK unless it's an obvious crank on the neck rather than a choke.
  • ALL chokes from the back position are OK

White Belt & all Youth and Teen divisions – ALL GENERAL RULES APPLY 

The white belt division allows for upper body submission holds (armbars, chokes, figure-fours) etc and it also allows for straight ankle lock. 

If you attempt any of the submissions that are illegal in your rule set you will be immediately disqualified.

  • No slamming 
  • No jumping guard (pulling guard with or without grips is fine)
  • No wrist Lock of any kind
  • No knee locks or knee bars of any kind.
  • No twisting leg locks of any kind (heel hooks, toe holds, inverted heel hooks and inverted toe holds). 
  • No reaping the knee. 
  • No twisting the knee in an unnatural direction.
  • No neck cranks
  • No scissors takedown of any kind.
  • No electric chair submissions. banana splits are OK for adult divisions.
  • No twister submissions
  • No bicep/calf slicers
  • Straight ankle locks are OK for teenage and adult divisions but are illegal for all youth divisions (10yr-14yr)


  • Wrist locks of any kind are OK. 
  • Jumping guard is OK
  • Straight knee locks and knee bars are OK. 
  • Reaping the knee is OK
  • Toe holds are OK
  • Calf/bicep slicers are OK


  •  Any foot locks are OK
  •  Electric chair submissions are OK.
  •  Twister submissions are OK.
  •  Heel hooks are OK. 

Adult Absolute division- Uses the same ruleset as purple belt and up

  • Must be blue belt or higher to enter
  • Open weight
  • Uses the purple belt and higher ruleset
  • 6 minute rounds followed by EBI O.T if necessary
  • Instant elimination format 

Teens Absolute division- Uses the white belt rule set

  • Elimination bracket
  • Open Belt 
  • Open Weight
  • 4 minute rounds followed by referee decision if necessary


  • If an athlete is caught in a submission and PURPOSELY pulls their opponent or rolls off of the mat in an attempt to free themselves from the submission, they will be considered submitted and will lose the match. 
  • If an opponent is countering a submission and they happen to roll off of the mat but are caught in a deep and completely sunk submission (i.e. a heel hook or an armlock) the referee will reset the position in the centre of the mat with the submission INTACT to the submitters liking. The referee will give the competitor caught in the submission the option to tap out before the match is restarted by giving a verbal submission. If the competitor refuses and tap out the match will be restarted with the submission in place.

EBI O.T Rules (only relevant for adult divs)


  1. Each competitor gets a shot at either their opponent's back, with both leg hooks and a seat belt, OR the spider web position aka arm bar position. The competitor on offence gets the choice. In Spider web, the competitor on offence gets one deep hook, either arm, and the other hand has to be planted on the mat, palm down, it can be right next to the opponent's bum or leg. Competitors must be in a perpendicular angle, meaning the guy on defence can’t be turning away or turning into his opponent. 
  2. There is the TOP of the round and the BOTTOM of the round. The competitor that goes first on offence at the top of round one will be referred to as competitor A. The competitor on defence at the start of round one will be referred to as competitor B.
  3. Once there is an escape or submission in the top of round one, that half of the round is over. The competitor that was just on defence, competitor B, now gets a shot at the back or spider web, his or her choice, this will be the end of round one. 
  4. If competitor A secured a submission in round one, then B has to secure a submission faster than A to win the match or he loses the match. 
  5. If at the attacking side of round one competitor A does not secure a submission and B escapes, then if B secures a submission the match is over, B wins. 
  6. If competitor B does not secure a submission and A escapes, then the winner will be the competitor who escaped the fastest. 
  7. If both athletes end with no escapes or submissions, it will go into another round of EBI OT or a referee's decision. Please note: there will only be one round of EBI OT for all divisions except Adult Blue Belt and above, who will get three rounds.
  8. There is a 2 minute time limit in each of the overtime rounds. 
  9. The competitor on offence can move from the back to spider web and back, and to the truck and back, and back and forth from these 3 positions as many times as they want and the round is still live. 
  10. The back is still live as long as their upper body control (i.e., seat belt or double underhooks) or lower body control (i.e., hooks or a body triangle) is in place. For example, losing both leg hooks does not stop time as long as the seat belt or double underhooks are still in place. 
  11. The round ends in any other position than the back, spider web and the truck unless caught in a submission "in transition". For example, going to an arm triangle from the back which puts the offensive competitor in side control or mount keeps the round live until the escape is complete or there is a tap. Going from spider web to a triangle which puts the offensive competitor on his back in guard is still live until a full escape is achieved. If from that triangle we go to the omoplata position, it is still live until the competitor on defence pulls out of the position. Going to a leg attack from spider web or from the back in OT is not legal in white belt divisions. Only leg attacks that are suitable in regular time in your division are legal to transition to.
  12. Please also note in EBI OT, If the athlete on defence pulls off a submission it's an escape.

For this competition white belt competitors can only start from back control and don't have the option to start in spider web (armbar position).


  • Kids Boys No-Gi 60 NZD
  • Kids Girls No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Youth Boys No-Gi 60 NZD
  • Youth Girls No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Teens Female No-Gi 55 NZD
  • Teens Male No-Gi 65 NZD
  • Male No-Gi 65 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 55 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Male Advanced Open Weight No-Gi 20 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Male Intermediate Open Weight No-Gi 20 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Male Beginner Open Weight No-Gi 20 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Female Advanced Open Weight No-Gi 0 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Female Intermediate Open Weight No-Gi 0 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Female Beginner Open Weight No-Gi 0 NZD
    16 years and above
  • Teen Male Absolute No-Gi 20 NZD
  • Teen Female Absolute No-Gi 0 NZD

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