Sydney, Australia
186 160 122

28/340 Hoxton Park Rd, Prestons, Sydney, Australia

Person in charge
Ali Khalil

About Global Martial Arts AU
Global Martial Arts is one of the strongest martial arts studios in Australia, with an outstanding reputation and a team of highly experienced, qualified instructors. We have programs for all ages, abilities, and interests. Our goal is to provide enjoyable, motivating, and energetic training in a supportive environment. Our experienced instructors are committed to the individual development of each student, encouraging teamwork, discipline, and a positive attitude. We are quick to identify the unique talent in every student, and nurture students to reach their full potential. As well as physical development that comes with learning Martial Arts, we place an emphasis on mental, emotional, and personal development too. Martial Arts are an effective way of controlling emotion, understanding discipline and determination, and developing a code of respect. For this reason, Global Martial Arts often engages with the local community to share skills and promote positive social values.

Contact Persons

Ali Khalil Manager
