Weigh Ins

Weigh ins will be held at the event on the same day as the competition starting from 07:00. 

Please ensure that you weigh in at least 2 hours before your first fight. (Rule does not apply to fights starting at 09:00 - 09:40)

Fights to start from 09:00 and end approximately 14:00.


  • Male No-Gi BJJ Beginner Division 250 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Male No-Gi BJJ Advanced Division 250 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi BJJ Division 250 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Kids No-Gi Under 18 Boys 200 ZAR
  • Kids No-Gi Under 18 Girls 200 ZAR

Cancel/Refund policy