Gi Uniform

You will find more info about Gi uniform on IBJJS website

You can download an example picute of Gi uniform here

Your gi have to be clean and undamaged. Only the color white, blue (royal blue) and black is allowed. Your Gi jacket and pants have to be of the same color.

You must wear undergarment.

Men are not allowed to wear rashguard or tights. Women are allowed to.

Your belt must be undamaged and not have any discolorations. The ends of the belt must be at least 20 cm from the knot.


  • Kids GI 300 DKK
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 300 DKK
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 300 DKK
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 500 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Female Gi 500 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Male Absolute Gi 0 DKK
  • Female Absolute Gi 0 DKK
  • Kids No-Gi 300 DKK
  • Juvenile Boys No-Gi 300 DKK
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls No-Gi 300 DKK
    16-17 years
  • Male No-Gi 500 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 500 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Female Absolute No-Gi 0 DKK
  • Male Absolute No-Gi 0 DKK
  • Male Black Belts Gi 0 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Male Black Belt No-Gi 0 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Female Black Belt Gi 0 DKK
    18 years and above
  • Female Black Belt No-Gi 0 DKK
    18 years and above

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