
If you are the only one in your registered division, you will need to be merged.

We will take all safety precautions when merging divisions, this will based on age, weight and belt.

MASTERs 3 and above who are alone in their division will be contacted prior to merging into the open division.

If we cannot find a safe bracket to merge you in to, you will receive a coupon credit which can be used at any one of our BOP Grappling Series Competitions.



  • Girls Gi 50 NZD
  • Boys Gi 50 NZD
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 50 NZD
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 50 NZD
    16-17 years
  • Female Gi 60 NZD
    18 years and above
  • Male Gi 60 NZD
    18 years and above

Cancel/Refund policy