
Medallas totales

22 Oro
22 Plata
21 Bronce

Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -61,0 kg (Light feather)


Sebastiaan Barendregt Netherlands

Team DFC


Robert Pustea Belgium

Brasa Belgium Brasa

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -67,0 kg (Feather)

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -73,0 kg (Light)

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -79,0 kg (Middle)

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -85,0 kg (Medium heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -91,0 kg (Heavy)


Kevin Vangenechten Belgium

Brasa Belgium Brasa


Abdelmonïm Tacheu Palestine

Tribellius Grappling


Jordi Ligtenberg Netherlands

Alpha Male Gym

Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / -97,0 kg (Super heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Novice / White belts / Max 1 years training / Adult / Above 97,0 kg+ (Ultra heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Beginner / White belts OR Max 2 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -67,0 kg (Feather)

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Male No-Gi / Beginner / White belts OR Max 2 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -79,0 kg (Middle)

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Male No-Gi / Beginner / White belts OR Max 2 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -91,0 kg (Heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -67,0 kg (Feather)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -73,0 kg (Light)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -79,0 kg (Middle)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -85,0 kg (Medium heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -91,0 kg (Heavy)

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Male No-Gi / Intermediate / Blue belts OR Max 4 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -97,0 kg (Super heavy)

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Elite No-Gi Purple belt and up (Men) / Elite/ Purple belts and up / Adult / -73,0 kg (Light)

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Elite No-Gi Purple belt and up (Men) / Elite/ Purple belts and up / Adult / -79,0 kg (Middle)

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Elite No-Gi Purple belt and up (Men) / Elite/ Purple belts and up / Adult / -97,0 kg (Super heavy)

Female No-Gi / Beginner / White belts OR Max 2 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / -61,0 kg (Light)

Female No-Gi / Beginner / White belts OR Max 2 years training in Grappling/MMA / Adult / Heavy (+71,0 kg)

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