Winston Salem, United States
7 16 22

4755 Commercial Plaza, Winston Salem, United States

+1 336-245-8121

Personne en charge
Scott Dillon

A propos Gracie Winston Salem
R&D Academy of Self Defense trains men, women and children of all ages in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Kodokan Judo & self defense. Our instructors have the ability of showing ways to a healthier life and the most efficient path to reach the physical, mental and spiritual strength according to each student’s needs. One of the results of this new lifestyle is the ability of the student in understanding their own body. Therefore, the student will be more aware of their well-being and own body needs. Furthermore, the nutrition, the breathing, the peace of mind and spiritual health are some of the various parts that are incorporated into the new students’ life. The arts of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu and Kodokan Judo empower any student with the necessary tools to achieve their highest level.

Personnes de contact

Andi Deese Manager
