Contest rules

Match times

  1. Juniors: 2 minutes
  2. Intermediates: 3 minutes
  3. Seniors: 3 minutes
  4. Black belts: 4 minutes

Contest rules

We will be using current IJF contest rules, modified as follows.

The size of the contest areas is 6 by 6 meters. Borders between contest areas are 4 meters; outside borders are 3 meters.

Golden score match times are ½ the regular match time. Black belt pools will use an unlimited golden score time.

The following techniques are prohibited:

  • No double knee drop seoinage for 12 & under.
  • No shimewaza (choking) for 12 & under.
  • Kansetsuwaza (join locks) are allowed in the Black Belt divisions only.

Any application of the above prohibited techniques will result in direct Hansoku-make loss in the match; however, competitors will be allowed to continue the tournament.

CARE systems will be in use on all mats.

Judo gis

Only Judo gis will be allowed: no gis for Jujitsu or other martial arts.

White Judo gis are required; competitors will provide a white belt and a blue belt to wear during the match while on the white and blue side, respectively. If you have both white and blue gis, you may wear you blue one while on the blue side. Note, however, that you must wear a white gi when on the white side: you will not be allowed to wear a blue gi if fighting on the white side.

Medical rule

All competitors except for those in the Black Belt pools will be allowed to receive appropriate medical examination and care during the match. Determination of cause and match winners will remain with the referee and judges.

Black Belt divisions will use the current IJF rules concerning medical examination and care.



  • Junior Male 5-6 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 5 or 6 on the day of the event
  • Junior Female 5-6 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 5 or 6 on the day of the event
  • Junior Male 7-8 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 7 or 8 on the day of the event
  • Junior Female 7-8 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 7 or 8 on the day of the event
  • Junior Male 9-10 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 9 or 10 on the day of the event
  • Junior Female 9-10 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 9 or 10 on the day of the event
  • Junior Male 11-12 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 11 or 12 on the day of the event
  • Junior Female 11-12 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 11 or 12 on the day of the event
  • Intermediate Male 13-14 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 13 or 14 on the day of the event
  • Intermediate Female 13-14 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 13 or 14 on the day of the event
  • Intermediate Male 15-17 years old 60 USD
    Boys aged 15, 16, or 17 on the day of the event
  • Intermediate Female 15-17 years old 60 USD
    Girls aged 15, 16, or 17 on the day of the event
  • Senior Men Novice 60 USD
    Men 18 years old and above, belt color is not brown or black
  • Senior Women Novice 60 USD
    Women 18 years old and above, belt color is not brown or black
  • Senior Men Brown Belts 60 USD
    Men 18 years old and above, brown belt
  • Senior Women Brown Belts 60 USD
    Women 18 years old and above, brown belt
  • Senior Men Black Belts 60 USD
    Men 18 years old and above, black belt
  • Senior Women Black Belts 60 USD
    Women 18 years old and above, black belt

Cancel/Refund policy