

Adult Men, Women and Youth


Adult Gi

Experience: White, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black Belt

Gender: Male and Female

Age: Adult (16+), Masters (35+), Masters II (40+)


Adult No Gi


Beginner (<1 year, White Belt Only)

Intermediate (Approximately 1 - 3 years, No Purple, Brown or Black Belts)

Advanced (Approximately 3 - 5 years, No Brown or Black Belts)

Expert (Approximately 5+ years)

Gender: Male and Female

Age: Adult (16+), Masters (35+), Masters II (40+)  


Adult No Gi Absolute (Optional)

Top 3 finishers in each division, either Gi or No Gi, are invited to participate.

No weight classes, sub only, single elimination, separated by experience.

Division winners earn $100 cash, a medal and a championship belt. Limit 1 belt per competitor per tournament if winning multiple divisions. 


Youth Gi

Experience: White, Grey, Yellow, Orange and Green

Gender: Coed (12 and Under), Male and Female (13 - 17)

Age: Peewee (8 and under)*, Youth (9 - 12), Teens (13 - 15), Young Adult (16 - 17)


Youth No Gi


Beginner (<1 year, White & Grey Belts Only)

Intermediate (Approximately 1 - 3 years, No Green Belts)

Advanced (Approximately 3 - 5 years)

Expert (Approximately 5+ years, Must be 13+)

Gender: Coed (12 and Under), Male and Female (13 - 17)

Age: Peewee (8 and under)*, Youth (9 - 12), Teens (13 - 15), Young Adult (16 - 17) 

*Peewee (8 and under) will be points only, no submissions.


Equivalent Grappling Experience

Competitors with other grappling experience, such as wrestling, can consider those years of experience to best determine the division they should participate in. In general, experienced wrestlers may be considered Intermediate or higher even with limited jiu-jitsu training. Competitors are expected to pick the most appropriate division based on their experience level to create a fun, competitive and safe experience for all involved.


Points (Peewee 8 and under only)

4 points: mount, back mount

3 points: passing guard

2 points: takedowns, knee on belly, sweeps

Reversals: Do not count as sweeps for 2 points. A reversal is generally when a competitor reverses from a bad position into a good position, such as from bottom of mount into someone's guard from top. A sweep is generally when a competitor initiates the change in position from an advantageous position on the bottom, such as guard or half-guard, and uses their legs to initiate the move. 

Penalties: A violation of a rule may result in a verbal warning, 2 point deduction (Peewee Only) or disqualification at the discretion of the referee. All referee decisions are final.

Advantages: No advantages.  

Positions must be held for 3 seconds in order for points to be awarded.

Transitioning from mount to back mount and back will continually result in 4 points for each position as long as the 3 seconds are held. Knee on belly can be scored repeatedly if position is lost and then regained.

Mercy Rule: If a competitor is 15 or more points ahead of their opponent at any point during the match, the match will end in a points victory.


  • Gi 85 USD
    Youth, Adult Men and Women Gi
  • No Gi 85 USD
    Youth, Adult Men and Women No Gi
  • Chewjitsu Seminar 75 USD
    Seminar with Nick "Chewy" Albin

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