Fort Lauderdale, United States
21 26 28

1322 SW 1st Ave. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33315, Fort Lauderdale, United States


+1 718-619-1863

Person in charge
William Couchon

Chi Siamo Couchon Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy
We offer Jiu Jitsu classes to anyone, regardless of age, in our Fort Lauderdale, FL Jiu Jitsu Academy. In addition, we also tech No Gi, MMA, and have regular sparing sessions. Our lead instructor, Will Couchon, is a 3rd-generation Black Belt in the Renzo Gracie lineage. He has an intense passion for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and for sharing it with others. Will has been instructing and coaching men, women, and children of all ages for the past 8 years.

Contact Persons

Stephen Nicoll Manager
Brandon Broadwell Manager
