Registrazione normale
23 Jun - 27 Aug 23:59
Evento inizia 03 Sep


Short event introduction

Welcome to the Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship, a prestigious Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competition dedicated to promoting and showcasing the talented young practitioners from all across Ireland. This highly anticipated event provides a platform for our rising stars to demonstrate their exceptional skills, while also fostering an atmosphere of growth and development.


Event - Sunday 3rd September 2023 from 10:00am

Normal Registrations £25 - 25th June 2023 until 27th August

All Adjustments and Cancellations made by Friday 1st September

Weigh In - 30 Minutes minimum prior to bracket starting

Competition Rules and Format:

The Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship adheres to the rules and regulations set forth by the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation (IBJJF), with necessary modifications to prioritise the safety and fairness of our young participants. Detailed explanations of the rules will be provided to all competitors before their matches commence.

We have made one main adjustment to the rules and that is jumping guard will be banned across the board for all competitors due to the mixing of experience. 

By following these rules, athletes can ensure a safe and fair competition environment for themselves and their opponents.

Divisions - Weight, age and belts:

Pooling method:

Pooling of competitors will be organized based on factors such as weight and age, aiming to create balanced matchups as closely as possible. While we understand that skill levels can vary, particularly due to differences in belt ranks, pooling based on weight and age remains the default method across multiple grappling sports.

By pooling competitors in this manner, we aim to create an environment that promotes healthy competition, growth, and development for all participants. Our primary focus is to provide an opportunity for young athletes to showcase their skills, gain valuable experience, and foster a sense of camaraderie within the Jiu-Jitsu community.

Uniform Requirements:

All competitors must wear clean and appropriate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gis (kimonos) with belts corresponding to their rank. 

Gi's must be White Blue or Black

Match Duration:

The duration of matches will vary depending on the age category following the IBJJF match durations. 

Weight Classes - See the Rules link 

Mighty Mites - 2 Minutes (4-6 Year Olds)

Pee Wee - 3 Minutes (7 - 9 Year Olds)

Juniors & Teens - 4 Minutes (10 - 15 Year Olds)

Juveniles - 5 minutes (16 & 17 Year Olds)


Matches will be scored using a points system that rewards successful takedowns, guard passes, and submissions. Points will be allocated in accordance with the IBJJF rules. The referee will diligently track and record the score throughout each match.

We will not be including advantages at matches below Juvenile brackets.

Spectators, Coaches, and Athlete Areas:

We welcome spectators, coaches, and athletes to the Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship. To ensure a well-organised and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, designated areas will be assigned to each group. Spectators can cheer on their favorite competitors from the designated spectator areas, while coaches will have dedicated spaces to support and guide their athletes. Athletes will have designated warm-up areas and competition mats to prepare and compete to the best of their abilities.

We will have 1 chair on each side of every score table, 1 for each coach of the competitor on the mat. The only other people allowed within the barricades during the tournament are the competitors on the mat having their match and the competitors due to compete next.

Coach Etiquette for Competition:

In the spirit of fostering a supportive and respectful environment, we kindly remind all coaches of the importance of maintaining appropriate conduct and etiquette throughout the competition. As two young competitors engage in their matches, it is crucial that coaches demonstrate sportsmanship and ensure that celebrations are focused solely on the accomplishments of their own athletes.

Coaches play a pivotal role in guiding and supporting their students, and it is imperative that they exercise restraint and sensitivity in their actions at the mat side. This includes refraining from excessive celebrations, loud cheering, or displays of intensity that may overshadow the experience of the young participants. Instead, coaches are encouraged to show respect for the efforts of all competitors and exhibit positive reinforcement towards their own athletes.

By adhering to these guidelines, coaches contribute to a positive and encouraging atmosphere, where the focus remains on the growth and development of the young practitioners. Let us create an environment that highlights the achievements of all participants and cultivates a sense of camaraderie among coaches and athletes alike.

Failure to co-operate with the mat etiquette will follow a 3 strike policy (3 strikes and you are out). Mat side officials, event organisers and referees may issue warnings. Continued unsportsmanlike behaviour will result in being removed from the competition hall. 

Child Safety and Referee Disputes:

At the Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship, the safety and well-being of our young participants are of paramount importance. Our referees are trained to prioritize the safety of the children above all else. In cases where a referee makes a stoppage due to safety concerns, any disputes regarding these stoppages will be voided.

We understand that disputes may arise regarding referee calls, and we encourage participants and coaches to address any concerns in a respectful manner. If there is a disagreement with a referee's decision, it is essential to first approach the referee at the end of the match to discuss the matter and seek clarification.

If, after discussing the issue with the referee, there is still disagreement and the disputing party has match footage available, they may request for the matter to be brought to the attention of the head referee. The head referee will then review the match footage and, if necessary, may consider the possibility of replaying the match to ensure fairness and accuracy in the final outcome.

By providing a clear process for addressing referee disputes, we aim to maintain a fair and respectful environment for all participants. We prioritise the safety and integrity of the competition, while also striving to uphold transparency and sportsmanship throughout the event.

Any disputes made in an unprofessional manner does not need to be addressed and may result in a warning from officials.

Cancellation and Refund Policy:

We understand that circumstances may arise which may require participants to cancel their registration for the Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship. Our cancellation and refund policy is designed to provide flexibility while ensuring fairness to all participants.

Cancellation and Refund Deadline: Participants may cancel their registration and request a refund up until the 27th of August, which is the designated cutoff date. Any cancellation requests received after this date, once the registration period has ended, will no longer be eligible for a refund.

Refund Process: To request a cancellation and refund, participants or their guardians must contact our event administration team through the provided channels. Please include the participant's full name, registration details, and the reason for cancellation. Our team will process the refund request and provide confirmation once it has been successfully completed.

Refund Eligibility: Refunds will be issued according to the original payment method used during registration. Please note that a small administrative fee may be deducted from the refunded amount to cover any processing costs incurred.

Non-Refundable Circumstances: After the registration period ends, cancellation requests received will not be eligible for a refund. This policy ensures that we can adequately plan and organiSe the event while ensuring fairness to all participants and coaches.

We highly recommend reviewing your availability and commitment to participating in the championship before finaliSing your registration. If you have any concerns or questions regarding the event, please feel free to reach out to our team for assistance.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adhering to our cancellation and refund policy. By doing so, we can ensure a smooth and well-managed event for all participants at the Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship.


In submitting my application form and by way of my entry to Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship. I hereby waive all claims against any and all persons associated with any of the participating gyms, competitors, the event (Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship) and venue.I understand that I am participating in a sport that has body contact. I assume full responsibility for all my actions during and connected to the above tournament.

I understand the risk of competing in this form of Martial Arts competition and hereby release the event organisers and all its employees and associates, tournament sponsors and the event facility, from any type of injury, loss, or death sustained while competing in this competition.I, the entrant also state that I am in good physical condition and know of no reason why I cannot participate in this Martial Arts event. Divisions or weight classes are subject to change.

I understand the rules of the tournament and will abide by them. In case of an emergency, I hereby authorise any licensed medical personnel to perform any accepted medical procedure deemed necessary and I agree to bear the expense of any such treatment.I also understand and agree that my attendance and/or performance at the tournament may be photographed, filmed, and/or taped and used by Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship or any sponsors for broadcast or reproduction for any portable media.

I therefore waive any compensation/royalties thereof.Furthermore, if the competitor is a minor, I assert that I am his or her legal guardian and I grant my permission for him/her to participate at Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship. Any violation of the above policy will result in immediate forfeiture of registration fees and disqualification from the current tournament and may result in disqualification from future tournaments.

We enforce A zero tolerance on disrespect, threatening with physical violence, or verbally abusing towards anyone during the event. If any coach, competitor, friends, or family of competitors threatens or abuses anyone within the event in any shape or form, they will be escorted out of the building and their team may be banned from any future events.By applying and/or participating in any Solid Ground All Ireland Youth Championship events, I confirm that I have read and agree to all its terms. Furthermore, I acknowledge that by authorising payment I also consent fully to all terms and conditions contained herein.


  • Boys Gi 25 GBP
  • Girls Gi 25 GBP
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 25 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 25 GBP
    16-17 years

Cancel/Refund policy