Information for Adult Competitors


  1. The registration includes the tournament fee.
  2. Spectator tickets can be purchased during the registration check-out process or at the door.
  3. Your registration is fully refundable up to one week before the event. You can request a refund using Smoothcomp by logging in and going to your account, and then cancelling your registration for the Nottingham Open. The competition is non-refundable within seven days of the event.


  1. When registering for the tournament, it is recommended to have a conversation with your coach or professor. Ask them about how you can prepare for the tournament and they can also give you guidance on which division you should register for.
  2. Our divisions are made up of three elements: Age, Rank, and Weight.
  3. Age: The age groups for adults are based on the year you were born and are as follows: Adult (18+), Masters 1 (30-35), Masters 2 (36-40), Masters 3 (41-45), Masters 4 (46-50), Masters 5 (51-55), Masters 6 (56-60) and Masters 7 (61+).
  4. Rank: Please select your current belt group: White, Blue, Purple, Brown and Black. Pro MMA fighters, competitive wrestlers and Judo Black belts must fight in a blue or above category.
  5. Weight: Weigh in wearing their uniform (Kimono, belt and undergarments). The kimono should be blue, black or white only.  The official weigh-in will take place on the day of the competition prior to their first match. Any changes in division must be made through Smoothcomp seven days before the event.
  6. Adult and masters weight chart can be downloaded here. All weights are in kilograms.
  7. Athletes who do not meet the weight requirement for the division on the morning of the competition are subjected to immediate disqualification. 
  8. Most weight categories are up to categories (i.e. up to 82.3kg) which you must weigh under on the day. Please check the details of the weight category carefully.
  9. Changes to registration by athletes: The deadline to make any changes to your division is seven days before the event.
  10. Changes to registration by organizers: The tournament organizers will use their best judgment to create competitive matches for every athlete. When registering, you will be asked if you agree to move up in weight or down in age (for Masters divisions) if you are the only competitor in the division.
  11. If you are alone in the bracket and do not wish to move up in weight or down in age (for Masters divisions), you will be given the option to either be declared the winner of the division and receive the medal at the podium or be offered a refund by the organizers.


  1. You must bring a valid ID such as a DRIVER'S LICENCE, PASSPORT or IBJJF ID. All competitors without valid identification will be disqualified and will not compete.
  2. Competitors should be ready 30 minutes before their match time and match times are likely to change throughout the day. Please arrive with plenty of time to spare.
  3. Weigh in’s will open from 8:00am. We will prioritize children’s weigh ins between 8:00am-10am and adult weigh ins after 10am. Competitors need to be weighed in at least 15 minutes before their match and enter the bullpen when their name appears on the screen.
  4. Match duration are the following
  • Adult white belt: 5 minutes
  • Adult blue belt: 6 minutes
  • Adult purple belt: 7 minutes
  • Adult brown belt: 8 minutes
  • Adult black belt: 10 minutes
  • Masters 1 white and blue belt: 5 minutes
  • Masters 1 purple, brown and black: 6 minutes
  • Masters 2 and above all belts: 5 minutes

This event has a zero tolerance policy regarding inappropriate behaviour by coaches, parents/guardians, spectators and competitors.

All in attendance must show some restraint when their students or team mates are competing. There will be competitors and spectators of all ages at this event and we are here to set an example. Any swearing, inappropriate gestures, violence (towards person or property) or berating the officials (regardless of any decisions they make) will not be tolerated.

If this happens, the referee/organiser has the right to disqualify that competitor, or to ask the coach to leave the area. If those concerned do not comply with the referee/organisers request the competitor will be disqualified from the event.

If a coach, parent or team mate encroaches onto the mat, or past any barriers that are in place, or man handles an official in any way, that person will be asked to leave the venue and the whole team will not be permitted to take any further part in the competition.



  • Boys Gi 40 GBP
  • Girls Gi 40 GBP
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Female Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Male Absolute Gi 0 GBP
  • Female Absolute Gi 0 GBP

Cancel/Refund policy