Event Rules - Spectators, Coaches & Athletes


  • Athletes must arrive early (Aim for 30 Minutes prior) to weigh in at the designated weigh-in time and meet the weight requirement for their division.
  • Athletes must wear the appropriate uniform, as specified by the event organisers.
  • Athletes must abide by the rules and regulations of the event, including those related to conduct, safety, and fair play.
  • Athletes must respect their opponents, coaches, and event officials, and refrain from engaging in any foul play or inappropriate behaviour.
  • Athletes must compete within the boundaries of the competition area and refrain from interfering with other matches.
  • Athletes must listen to and follow the instructions of event officials, including referees and timekeepers.
  • Athletes must be mindful of the safety of themselves and their opponents, and avoid using excessive force or engaging in reckless behaviour.
  • Athletes must immediately report any injuries sustained during the competition to event officials.
  • Athletes must refrain from using any banned substances, such as PEDs and other substances that would result in an unfair field of play that is subject to the consumption of a substance rather than the preparedness of the athletes.
  • Athletes must follow any additional rules or regulations specified by the event organisers.

By following these rules, athletes can ensure a safe and fair competition environment for themselves and their opponents.


  • Coaches should register and obtain appropriate credentials before entering the competition area.
  • Coaches should not enter the competition area without permission from the officials or referees.
  • Coaches should stay within designated coach areas during matches and avoid interfering with the progress of the matches.
  • Coaches should not use abusive or disrespectful language towards officials, athletes (Own athletes or opponents) , or other coaches.
  • Coaches should not encourage their athletes to use disrespectful or unfair behaviour or tactics during matches.
  • Coaches should report any violations of the rules or disrespectful behaviour to the officials or event staff.
  • Coaches should follow all safety regulations and guidelines, and ensure their athletes are properly equipped and prepared for their matches.
  • Coaches should promote positive behaviour, respect and fair play among their athletes and encourage them to show respect and support for their opponents.

Overall, these rules aim to promote fair play, safety, and fair play among all participants at the event. By enforcing these rules, event organisers can ensure a positive and safe environment for all athletes and coaches.


  • Spectators must follow all instructions and guidelines provided by event staff, officials, and security personnel.
  • Spectators are not allowed to enter the competition area or interfere with the matches in any way.
  • Spectators must remain seated in designated areas and avoid obstructing the view of other spectators.
  • Spectators are not allowed to use flash photography or recording equipment during matches and if recording their own child, must request permission from the corresponding guardian. 
  • Spectators are not allowed to use abusive or disrespectful language towards officials, athletes, or other spectators.
  • Spectators are not allowed to throw objects or engage in any behaviour that may cause harm or disruption to others.
  • Spectators are responsible for their personal belongings and should not leave them unattended.
  • Spectators should report any violations of the rules or foul behaviour to the officials or event staff.

By enforcing these rules, event organisers can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all spectators attending the event.



  • Boys Gi 30 GBP
  • Girls Gi 30 GBP
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 30 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 30 GBP
    16-17 years

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