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Rozpoczęcie wydarzenia 19 Oct

Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019

Cea mai prestigioasa competitie de BJJ din Romania "Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019" (ultima etapa Belt League ), va avea loc pe 19 octombrie, la sala Dinamo (Sos. Stefan Cel Mare, nr. 7), din Bucuresti. Competitia rerezinta etapa a 4-a, finala, a circuitului Belt League.

Cu aceasta ocazie debuteaza un nou format Belt League: GRAND PRIX 8 Men Tournament - cele mai bune centuri albastre si mov, sub 88 kg.

Competitia, aflata la editia a 12-a, este organizata de clubul Absoluto, in parteneriat cu Asociatia Pro BJJ.

Cupa Romaniei va avea divizii de copii si juvenili, adulti si master 1 (30 - 35 ani) si master 2 (peste 35 de ani). Totodata, competitia conteaza ca ultima etapa BJJ Belt League. Dupa cele 4 etape ale Belt League oferim 4 pachete de calatorie la Campionatul Mondial de BJJ Pro din Abu Dhabi 2020, plus o excursie la Disneyland, prin tragere la sorti dintre castigatorii centurilor la -18 ani. Cupa Romaniei ofera prin sponsorul, suplimentar, premii la tombola in valoare de peste 1000 de euro: 1 x Gi Customizat la alegere, 3 x Gi Tatami la alegere, 5 x Rashguard Tatami la alegere, 10 x Sapca Tatami la alegere, Sunt inscrisi in tombola toti sportivii participanti la Cupa Romaniei.

Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019 – 19 octombrie

(regulament IBJJF: copii, juvenili, adulti si master)

Adresa: Sala Dinamo, Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 7

Ora de inscriere: 8

Ora de incepere a competitiei: 9


Termen limita de inscriere: 15 octombrie, ora 23.59

Cantar: 3 optiuni de cantarire (sportivi isi aleg doar una dintre ele) - vineri, 18 oct., ora 19.00 sau sambata, 19 oct., ora 8:00 sau sambata, 19 oct, inainte de intrarea pe saltea la primul meci. Toate variantele la Centrul Dinamo. Cantarul se face in tricou si pantaloni.



Taxa de inscriere sportiv (se plateste la cantar, individual, de catre fiecare sportiv sau online pe NORMAL REGISTRATION, pana pe 8 octombrie - adulti si master 130 lei, adult + master 195, copii si juvenili 80 lei. LATE REGISTRATION, 8 octombrie - 15 octombrie - adulti si master 150 lei, adult + master 215, copii si juvenili 100 lei

Bilet intrare spectatori: 20 lei

Inscrieri prin e-mail (daca inca nu ati invatat sa va inscrieti pe si info: [email protected] si 0775619670


Cea mai prestigioasa competitie de BJJ din Romania "Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019" (ultima etapa Belt League ), va avea loc pe 19 octombrie, la Sala Dinamo, Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 7, din Bucuresti. The competition accounts as the 4th and final leg of the Belt League format.

Romania's most prestigious BJJ competition, "Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019" (Romanian BJJ Cup), will be held on 19th of October, at Sala Dinamo, Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 7, Bucharest.

With this edition we are debutting a new Belt League format: GRAND PRIX 8 Men Tournament - best blue and purple belts under 88 kg.

The competition, at it's 12th edition, is organized by Absoluto, in partnership with Asociatia Pro BJJ.

Cupa Romaniei will have kids, juvenile, adults , master 1 (30 - 35 yrs old) and master 2 (over 35 yrs old). After all 4 legs of Belt LEague we are giving awai 4 travel packages to World Pro Abu Dhabi 2020 and a Disneyland holiday by raffle for the winners of the belts under 18 yrs old. Through our sponsor we are offering a raffle with prizes over 1000 euro: 1 x Full Customized Gi, 3 x Gi Tatami of your choice, 5 x Rashguard Tatami of your choice, 10 x Tatami Cap of your choice. All competitors are automatically entered in the raffle

Cupa Romaniei la BJJ 2019 – 19th of october

(IBJJF rules)

Adress: Sala Dinamo, Sos. Stefan cel Mare nr. 7

Registration: 9.00

Start of matches: 10.00


Deadline: 15 oct, 23.59

Weigh in: 3 options (athlete chooses only one) - Friday, 18 oct., 19.00 or Saturday, 19 oct., 9:00 or Saturday, 19 oct, before first match. All done at Dinamo Center, Weight in in tshirt and shorts.

Divisions :


Registration fee (athlete can pay cash at weigh in or online on NORMAL REGISTRATION, until 8 oct - adults and master 130 lei, adult + master 195, kids and juvenile 80 lei. LATE REGISTRATION, 8 oct - 15 oct - adults and master 150 lei, adult + master 215, kids and juvenile 100 lei

Spectators: 20 lei

Registration by e-mail can be done (if you don't know by now how to register on and more info: [email protected] si 0775619670


  • Boys Gi 80 LEI
  • Girls Gi 80 LEI
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 80 LEI
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 80 LEI
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 130 LEI
    18 years and above
  • Female Gi 130 LEI
    18 years and above

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