Wczesne rejestracje
12 Dec - 01 Jan 12:00 am
Rejestracja zwykła
01 Jan - 06 Feb 12:00 am
Późne rejestracje
06 Feb - 10 Feb 10:00 pm
Rozpoczęcie wydarzenia 11 Feb

CJJC 15 Scouting Report

White, blue, purple belt tournament and Black and Brown Absolute


DCO MMA & Fitness 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. 4860 Ironton St. Unit L Denver, CO

The Farm BJJ 4 P.M. to 7 P.M.  6268 W 10th St C, Greeley, CO 80634 

Pagsuko Combat Club  4 P.M. to 7 P.M. 708 S Beltline Hwy W Unit A. Scottsbluff, NE 69361

Wilson Bros Grappling 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. 2518 Airport Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80910

Fulcrum Jiu Jitsu Academy 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. 703 Wilcox St. Unit A (upstairs) Castle Rock, CO 

Dark Horse BJJ Longmont 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. 950 Elgin Ave. Suite A Longmont, CO

No day of weigh ins


Points – Gi and No Gi

Quick View 

Take downs-2 points

Sweep-2 points

Guard Pass-3 points

Knee on Belly -2 points

Mount-4 points

Back Take-4 points

Take down to side control, mount or knee on belly-4 points

Guard pull-1 point to opponent

Action Points

Takedown ● Anytime two opponents are on their feet and one forces the other to the mat and gains dominant position they will be awarded 4 POINTS. If the takedown ends in Guard, the takedown will be awarded 2 POINTS ● If A initiates a takedown and B jumps guard, the takedown for A will be 2 POINTS **If opponent pulls guard from standing the other opponent will be awarded 1 POINT** These changes in takedown points are to push the pace and encourage action.


Sweep ● First person to come on top in a double guard pull earns 2 points. ● All sweeps must come from a guard. ● 50/50 sweep points will be awarded after top player opens his legs. ● All 50/50 sweeps must come a different guard other than 50/50. ● If A attempts to sweep B, but B remains turtled, so long as A controls Turtle from behind the shoulder, sweep points are awarded. This rule is the same as “Snap down, spin and control” in the Takedown section.


Knee on Belly ● Points are awarded if opponent is on their back or side. ● Must be the leg closest to opponent’s legs. ● Not awarded if opponent has spider guard.


Guard Pass ● A guard must be established for it to be passed.


● All limbs of the passer must be out of the guard. ● Points can be awarded to un pointworthy positions such as Reverse Mount. This would equal just a guard pass and not a combination of Guard Pass to Mount.

Back (Back Mount, Body Triangle or Hooks) ● Body Triangle – feet must not be inside opponent’s leg. ● Hooks - feet cannot be crossed.


Mount (Reverse Mount, Technical Mount, S-Mount or Traditional) ● Traditional Mount – must have knees below the shoulder. A triangle is not Mount. ● Technical Mount – may be awarded points if opponent is on their side.


All takedowns, guard passes, sweeps to side control/north-south control, knee on belly, mounts and back control ​must be held for 3 seconds​ for points to be awarded. No points will be awarded if the person doing the action is caught in a submission. Only after the submission is no longer a threat will stabilizing time be counted for points.

Points will not be awarded for competitors who voluntarily abandon a position and then regain that same position.

Points can be awarded after the end of the match. If the referee has begun to count stabilizing time during the match period and the clock expires the points will be awarded to the person controlling their position.

We will be doing temperature checks, covid symptoms screening as well as following the necessary protocol.  The competition schedule will be released the night before.  We will have competitors compete in both their GI and NO GI divisions with an assigned roughly 2 hour or less window.  The next scheduled competitors and divisions will be set for the next 2 hour window.  Starting both female and male competitors lower weights to heavier weights later in the morning 

Illegal Techniques

Kids and Teens: Slams, standing guillotine, jumping guard, scissor take downs, all foot/leg locks, wrist locks, knee reap, bicep/calve slicer, neck crank, groin stretch, twister.

Beginner White Belt:  Similar to kids EXCEPT groin stretch, straight ankle lock, standing guillotine, wrist locks are legal.

Intermediate Blue/Purple: Similar to beginner EXCEPT jumping guard, knee bar, toe hold, knee reap, bicep/calf slicer are legal

No Scissor Take downs in GI, No Heel Hooks in GI, No Slams

No advantages.  No points for side control.  No points for reversal.  No points for regression of position in position.  No points for snap downs until turtle is broken down.  If guard pull is used to defend a take down the player initiating the take down will receive points for the take down.  If player sits guard without controlling grips opponent can force them to stand.  If the match goes to the ground and one competitor stands and one does not the standing opponent must engage on the ground.  Pulling guard results in a point for opponent.  If a take down lands in side, mount or knee on belly 4 points are awarded for take down.

If take down is initiated from the legal area and finished out of bound ref will stand them up in middle but 2 points for take down will be awarded.  If the competitors go out of bounds during a submission attempt 2 points will be awarded to the player attempting the submission and the competitors will be stood up in middle.  If the competitors go out of bounds and land in an established position they will be brought to the middle and restarted in that position.  If a take down is attempted and no position is established or either competitor lands off the mat both competitors will be stood up in middle with no points awarded.

If a competitor stalls they will receive a warning, gripping inside of the sleeve or pant leg is illegal and will result in a warning.  If a competitor attempts a submission that is illegal for that division they will receive a warning.  If the illegal submission attempt result in a tap the competitor will be disqualified.  A competitor can receive 1 warning second warning will result in a point going to competitor and third warning is disqualification of the division.

If competitor goes to knee on belly, score, go back to side control then back to knee on belly they can keep getting points.  If they switch sides (of knee on belly) then the knee on belly is the same and has not been reestablished.  If player goes from mount to knee on belly then no points awarded because position has been regressed. However mount to side will allow player to start advancing position again.


  • Mens NO-GI 45 USD
    14 and up
  • Mens GI 45 USD
    14 and up
  • Womens NO-GI 45 USD
    14 and up
  • Womens GI 45 USD
    14 and up
  • Boys NO-GI 45 USD
    4 years to 15 years of age
  • Boys GI 45 USD
    4 years to 15 years of age
  • Girls NO-GI 45 USD
    4-15 years of age
  • Girls GI 45 USD
    4-15 years of age

Cancel/Refund policy