
Please note that each category is based solely on the year in which the contestant was born. The contestant's actual age on the day of competition is irrelevant. For each weight division, the weight range will be over the previous weight and up and including the weight listed.

If a contestant has no one else in the division he/she will be declared the winner of the division. If a contestant doesn't make weight he/she will be moved up to the next weight division but in the same category, all rules will apply to the division entered. Any changes will be discussed with the coaches and/or the competitors involved prior to the actual change. 

The tournament director reserves the right to make changes when it is in the best interest of the contestants to make these changes due to differences in weights. Any changes will be discussed with the coaches and/or the competitors involved prior to the actual change. 

NOVICE Divisions

  • Each category will have a novice division except for Seniors and Masters division
  • NOVICE division = white belts with 6 or less months of experience
  • NOVICE divisions will not have set weight divisions, instead competitors will be grouped based on age and weight divisions of light, medium, and heavy.
  • All NOVICE divisions will be NEWAZA ONLY
  • *Please do not register as novice if you have more than 6 months of experience

Multiple Divisions

Contestants will be allowed to enter up to (2) divisions. Any contestant that is entered in a Novice division that chooses to enter two divisions must compete in only the Novice division.

Contestants that choose to compete in two divisions can either compete up one weight class in their age division, OR compete up one age division at the same or similar weight.

Male Divisions

Category  Year Born Divisions in Pounds
Bantam 0 2020 -40, -45, +45
Bantam 1 2018-2019 -42, -47, -52, -57, -62, -67, +67
Bantam 2 2016-2017 -46, -51, -56, -61, -66, -71, -76, -81, +81
Intermediate 1 2014-2015 -57, -63, -69, -76, -83, -90, -97, -107, -120, +120
Intermediate 2 2012-2013 -62, -68, -75, -84, -92, -106, -117, -130, -145, +145
Juvenile A 2010-2011 -97, -106, -117, -128, -141, -161, -178, -198, -220, +220
Juvenile B 2008-2009 -112, -121, -132, -145, -161, -178, -198, -220, +220
Juvenile C 2005-2007 -121, -132, -145, -161, -178, -198, -220, +220
Seniors 1990-2004 -121, -132, -145, -161, -178, -198, -220, +220
Masters 1989 and older -121, -132, -145, -161, -178, -198, -220, +220

Female Divisions

Category Year Born Divisions in Pounds
Bantam 0 2020 -40, -45, +45
Bantam 1 2018-2019 -42, -47, -52, -57, -62, -67, +67
Bantam 2 2016-2017 -46, -51, -56, -61, -66, -71, -76, -81, +81
Intermediate 1 2014-2015 -57, -63, -69, -76, -83, -90, -97, -107, -120, +120
Intermediate 2 2012-2013 -62, -68, -75, -84, -92, -106, -117, -130, -145, +145
Juvenile A 2010-2011 -79, -88, -97, -106, -117, -128, -141, -154, -172, +172
Juvenile B 2008-2009 -88, -97, -106, -114, -125, -139, -154, -172, +172
Juvenile C 2005-2007 -97, -106, -114, -125, -139, -154, -172, +172
Seniors 1990-2004 -97, -106, -114, -125, -139, -154, -172, +172
Masters 1989 and older -97, -106, -114, -125, -139, -154, -172, +172



  • Male Bantam 0 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2020
  • Female Bantam 0 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2020
  • Male Bantam 1 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2018-2019
  • Female Bantam 1 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2018-2019
  • Male Bantam 1 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2018-2019, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Bantam 1 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2018-2019, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Bantam 2 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2016-2017
  • Female Bantam 2 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2016-2017
  • Male Bantam 2 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2016-2017, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Bantam 2 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2016-2017, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Intermediate 1 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2014-2015
  • Female Intermediate 1 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2014-2015
  • Male Intermediate 1 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2014-2015, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Intermediate 1 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2014-2015, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Intermediate 2 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2012-2013
  • Female Intermediate 2 / Open 65 USD
    Born 2012-2013
  • Male Intermediate 2 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2012-2013, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Intermediate 2 / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2012-2013, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Juvenile A / Open 65 USD
    Born 2010-2011
  • Female Juvenile A / Open 65 USD
    Born 2010-2011
  • Male Juvenile A / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2010-2011, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Juvenile A / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2010-2011, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Juvenile B / Open 65 USD
    Born 2008-2009
  • Female Juvenile B / Open 65 USD
    Born 2008-2009
  • Male Juvenile B / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2008-2009, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Juvenile B / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2008-2009, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Juvenile C / Open 65 USD
    Born 2005-2007
  • Female Juvenile C / Open 65 USD
    Born 2005-2007
  • Male Juvenile C / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2005-2007, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Female Juvenile C / Novice / Newaza Only 65 USD
    Born 2005-2007, white belt with <6 months of experience
  • Male Seniors / Open 65 USD
    Born 2004-1990
  • Female Seniors / Open 65 USD
    Born 2004-1990
  • Male Masters / Open 65 USD
    Born 1989 and older
  • Female Masters / Open 65 USD
    Born 1989 and older

Política de Cancelamento/Reembolso