

This event has the following rules:

All athletes and coaches must know the ruleset before competition. And it is their responsibility to do so. The event are not responsible to have a rules meeting before the event starts

General rules:

1. All athletes must wear Rashguard and Shorts or Spats. No metal or pockets aloud. T-shirts are not allowed. 

2. No slippery material or heating/cooling cream is aloud. 

3. Athletes with symptoms of skin disease will not be aloud to compete. 

4. All athletes must be on weight for their category to be aloud to compete. Weigh ins can be done when the athlete arrives at the event, minimum one hour before weight category starts. Failing to weigh in will result in DQ.

5. Athletes will be called to the mat area three times, during 5 minutes. If the athlete is not at the mat area during this time, the athlete will be DQ. 

6. No cup is allowed.

7. Headgear is not allowed. 

8. All athletes must compete to advance. If two athletes from the same academy meets in a match, they will be DQ'ed if they don't compete. You are not allowed to agree on who wins.


5 minute rounds. 

Athletes shall be given minimum 5 minutes rest between matches. 


Takedown - 4 points

Guard pass - 3 points

Sweep - 2 points

Knee on belly - 2 points

Mount - 4 points

Back Mount - 4 points

Back controll with both hooks in - 4 points

Each position must be established for three seconds (3) in order for points to be awarded. When changing multiple positions, points will be awarded only for the position that has been established for three (3) seconds. The athlete will only be awarded points once for each position, unless the athlete wins back the position after opponents defensive actions or starts over again with takedown or guardpass. 

Passivity rules:

Passivity - 2 points to opposite opponent. Referee will issue two warnings for passivity, before stopping the match, give two points to opponent and restart the fight with the perpetrating athlete in turtle position (both knees and both elbows on the mat). The opponent may start in any position relating to the turtle position. Passivity means that there is no engagement or offensive work from the perpetrating athlete.  

Rules for submissions:

All NOVICE and BEGINNERS divisions and all JUVENILE divisions will follow the IBJJF standard for submissions. Knee reaping is allowed. 


Any kind of choke (except for using the hand to close the wind pipe);

Any armbar, shoulder lock, elbow lock or wrist lock;

Any leg bar, leglock lock, knee lock, foot lock or ankle lock (heel hook allowed).

Illegal techniques

1. No striking/kicking of any kind;

2. No eye gouging or fish hooking;

3. No grabbing the ears;

4. No hair pulling;

5. No biting;

6. No thumbing, scratching and pinching;

7. No finger or toe holds (at least 4 fingers has to be controlled);

8. No touching or hitting the groin area;

9 No slippery substances allowed on body or clothing;

10. No Full Nelson and no neck cranks. Half Nelson is allowed because the fighter can move one side of the body and defending himself.

11. Intentionally takedown landing on the head or on the neck.

12. No use of Rashguard or shorts to hold the opponent is allowed.

13. Slamming is not aloud. 

Other rules:

The winner will be declared by referee decision in the case of a draw at the end of the round. 

Ways to win:

1. Submission: if one competitor gives up by tapping the leg, the arm or verbally.

2. Points: by score points at the end of the fighting time.

3. Referee decision.

4. If the referee feels one competitor is unable to defend himself or to give up by

tapping the mat, the referee will declare the winner. These rules will be applied even

if the referee realizes that one competitor’s life is in danger.

5. If one fighter breaks the rules twice, he will be disqualified by the referee. In case of

uncorrect or extremely violent behaviours the referee can immediately disqualify the


6. Injury or bleeding cut: the referee will stop the match for maximum five minutes (5)

to permit the medical treatments and eventually the mat cleaning. If the injured

fighter is not able to continue the fight, the opponent will be declared winner.

7. If one fighter intentionally hurts the opponent, he will be immediately disqualified.

If any coach or competitor disrespects, threatens or abuses the referee, his staff and/or other competitors, in any shape or form, they will be immediately disqualified from the competition together with the team. According to the gravity of the situation the competitor and/or the coach and/or the team will be banned from events organized by Rambukk and its partners.


參賽者 / 條目

  • Juvenile Boys No-Gi 500 NOK
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls No-Gi 500 NOK
    16-17 years
  • Male No-Gi 500 NOK
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 500 NOK
    18 years and above
  • Male Absolute No-Gi 150 NOK
  • Female Absolute No-Gi 150 NOK

Cancel/Refund policy