Pro Rules

This document is a summary of our Pro rule set, match times, scoring and illegal techniques.

Pro Sport Grappling Gi Rules

General Pro Sport Gi rules are based loosely on the IBJJF rule set but with pro modifications. In Pro Rules advantages are replaced with a single point which is awarded when a submission technique or positional advancement is nearly achieved and has to be defended. All positional points are awarded following 3 seconds of positional control. Back mount position is deemed achieved when chest to back contact is stabilised for 3 seconds and leg control is present, hooks are NOT required for back mount to be scored. Scoring feet positions for back mount are hooks in, leg triangle, body triangle or feet on hips. Where possible the match will be allowed to continue even if on or just outside the safety area. All takedowns, sweeps etc will continue to be scored until the referee calls for a stop.

Under 16’s divisions Under 16’s divisions follow the IBJJF rule set except that Ezekiel chokes that use the Gi are allowed as are all head and arm based chokes. Head pulling to finish a triangle choke is also allowed but only for this submission (no can openers). All other forms of head pulling and cranks are not allowed. All forms of leg lock are not permitted for under 16’s Gi divisions.

Juvenile and Adult Gi divisions These categories are as per IBJJF Gi rule set with the following additions. Straight ankle locks are allowed in all belt divisions. Jumping guard is also allowed in all belt divisions. Only Blue belt and above divisions can utilise wrist locks and only Brown belt and above can use toe holds, knee bars and calf/bicep slicers. All Leg lock are not permitted for under 16’s Gi divisions.

Pro Sport Grappling NoGi Rules

General Pro Sport NoGi rules are based loosely on the IBJJF rule set but with pro modifications. In Pro Rules advantages are replaced with a single point which is awarded when a submission technique or positional advancement is nearly achieved and has to be defended. All positional points are awarded following 3 seconds of positional control. Back mount position is deemed achieved when chest to back contact is stabilised for 3 seconds and leg control is present, hooks are NOT required for back mount to be scored. Scoring feet positions for back mount are hooks in, leg triangle, body triangle or feet on hips. Where possible the match will be allowed to continue even if on or just outside the safety area. All takedowns, sweeps etc will continue to be scored until the referee calls for a stop.

Under 16’s divisions  Under 16’s divisions follow the IBJJF NoGi rule set except that head and arm based chokes are allowed. Head pulling to finish a triangle choke is also allowed but only for this submission (no can openers). All other forms of head pulling and cranks are not allowed. NoGi Ezekiel chokes are NOT allowed in under 16’s NoGi divisions. All Leg lock are not permitted for under 16’s Gi divisions.    

Juvenile and Adult Gi divisions These categories are as per IBJJF NoGi rule set with the following additions. Straight ankle locks are allowed in all belt divisions. Jumping guard is also allowed in all belt divisions. Only Blue belt and above divisions can utilise wrist locks and only Brown belt and above can use toe holds, knee bars, heel hooks and calf/bicep slicers.

Pro Sport Grappling Gi and NoGi Match Times

Under 10’s divisions                                 – 3 Minutes
11-15’s divisions                                        – 4 Minutes
Juvenile, Adult (White/Blue) & Masters  – 5 Minutes
Adult Purple/Brown/Black                       – 6 Minutes

Pro Sport Grappling Gi and NoGi Point Scores

Clean Takedown  = 2 Points – full takedown to mat plus control
Sweeps                 = 2 Points – reversed positions whilst in a form of guard
Knee on Belly       = 2 Points – knee placed on torso plus supporting knee off ground
Guard Pass           = 3 Points – passing the legs and securing upper body control
Top Mount            = 4 Points – secured top mount position without leg or foot trapped Back Mount                   = 4 Points – chest to back control with feet in control positions

Additional event information

Competitors holding the rank of Black Belt in Judo or high level wrestlers should enter in the Blue Belt divisions. Competitors with 3 or more MMA fights should also enter in the Blue Belt divisions.

Only official coaches with pre ordered coach lanyards are allowed mat side

Any verbal or physical abuse directed to the referees or other competitors will result in immediate disqualification.

Pro Sport Grappling aim to give all competitors and spectators a fair and safe environment to compete in. Please respect our rules and show good sportsmanship at all times.




  • Boys Gi 40 GBP
    Boys Under 16 Yrs Gi event
  • Boys No-Gi 40 GBP
    Boys Under 16 Yrs NoGi event
  • Girls Gi 40 GBP
    Girls Under 16 Yrs Gi event
  • Girls No-Gi 40 GBP
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Boys No-Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Juvenile Girls No-Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Female Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Male No-Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above

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