Refund/Credit Policy

If we are unable to find you a suitable match and you have indicated that you would like to be refunded and not moved we will issue a 100% refund of your entry.

If you cancel of your own accord for any personal or medical reason then the following credit coupon policy will be in place. Credit coupons can be used to register for any of our future Bristol Pro or Somerset Open events and are valid for 1 year.

- 100% Credit coupon to be used for our future events if you cancel your entry from your Smoothcomp account up to 18 days prior to the event (31st January 23:59)

- 60% Credit coupon to be used for our future events if you cancel your entry from your Smoothcomp account up to 5 days prior to the event (14th February 23:59)

All competitors are responsible for cancelling their entry from their Smoothcomp account should they wish to do so. Please do not contact us to cancel as this will not trigger the credit voucher.

Registration is non-refundable after 14th February 23:59 



  • Boys Gi 40 GBP
    Boys Under 16 Yrs Gi event
  • Boys No-Gi 40 GBP
    Boys Under 16 Yrs NoGi event
  • Girls Gi 40 GBP
    Girls Under 16 Yrs Gi event
  • Girls No-Gi 40 GBP
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Boys No-Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Male Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Juvenile Girls No-Gi 40 GBP
    16-17 years
  • Female Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Male No-Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi 50 GBP
    18 years and above

Cancel/Refund policy