08 Dec - 29 Jan 12:00 am
29 Jan - 11 Feb 11:59 pm
11 Feb - 18 Feb 11:59 pm
イベント期間 24 Feb - 25 Feb

Singapore Jiu Jitsu Open 2024 By BJJ Roots

The first BJJ competition in South East Asia, that have 37 different entries (inclusive of absolute), more than 2,400 different category (type/age/belt/weight class) to provide to you the most suitable option to compete under.

Singapore Jiu Jitsu Open 2024

  • First 100 complete registrations (including payment) shall receive an awesome free t-shirt sponsored by Untouchable Fightwear .
  • All competitors shall receive a free cup coaster for adults and kids bracelet.
  • Receive give away water bottle, rashguards ... Etc by following Untouchable fightwear instagram

* Terms and conditions apply.


Competition Rules Following IBJJF Rules (Single Elimination)



  • All athletes should fight and weigh-in with the attire following their respected division (Gi or No Gi).
  • All athletes uniform should respect IBJJF uniform standards in Gi and No Gi, any athlete who doesn't have the required attire following IBJJF will be disqualified immediately.
  • Each one of our series of competitions might have a different start time; that is why we encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for latest update.  
  • There will be a 300-gram weight allowance.
  • Competitors who fail to make weight during the designated period will be disqualified on the day of the event. 
  • We recommend competitors to move to a heavier weight class before registrations.


Kids division

BJJ Roots is very proud to introduce kids entries splitting them by gender (boys in one category and girls in a separate category), but for those girls who wish to compete in boys category, we still can add them manually, all you need to do is to email us at [email protected] with your request .


Event Date

24th and 25th - Feb - 2024

24rd Feb --> Adults, Master.
25th Feb --> Adults, Master, Kids Juvenal Gi and No Gi.


Fighting Sequence 

Kids shall always start first in Gi and No Gi.

Start Master 2 --> Master 1 --> Adults End

Start Black Belt --> Brown Belt --> Purple Belt --> Blue Belt --> White Belt End

Start Female --> Male End

Note: The sequence mentioned above, dates and categories per date, is for reference only, organizer reserve all the right to change this sequence to adapt what's best to perform a smooth comp.


Super Early Bird  8 Dec ~ 31 Dec 2023 75 SGD 
Early Bird 01 Jan ~ 28 Jan 2024 95 SGD
Normal 29 Jan ~ 11 Feb 2024 120 SGD
Late 12 Feb ~ 18 Feb 2024 150 SGD


Weight in

24th-Feb-2024 at 7:30 AM for Gi
25th-Feb-2024 at 8:30 AM for No Gi

Weight in will keep following the below description, in summery your weight in is only 30 minutes before your fight.

Note: Weight-in will be called following the fights order, please don't come too early if your fight is late.
Example: Adult white belt division starts at 5:00 PM, please don't come 10:00 AM to weight in, 10:00 AM weight-in is prioritized for those who they are fighting at 10:30 AM.

However, weight-in will be called by our registration / weight in counter and following a specific order and it wont be accepting random check-in.

Entering 2 Divisions will require you to pay 2 registrations, example : Entering Gi and No Gi divisions will require you to pay 2 registration fees.

Weight allowance is 300gram



At the time of registering to our event and making payment, you agree to do not claim or request any refund.
No refund for cancelling any registration or for ending up alone in the bracket or for being disqualified.
Our organization have no refund policy.



Registration amendment will close on the same day of closing the registration.

Before closing the registration you can amend your registration following the steps at the following link www.bjjroots.co/rules 



Upon signing up in any of our competitions, you do accept all the terms of services mentioned at the following link https://bjjroots.co/terms-of-service/


  • Adult (Male Gi) 120 SGD
    16 ~ 17 (white and blue) - 18 ~ 29 years (white, blue, purple, brown and black)
  • Master 1 (Male Gi) 120 SGD
    30 - 35 years
  • Master 2 and above (Male Gi) 120 SGD
    36 years and above
  • Adult (Female Gi) 120 SGD
    16 ~ 17 (white and blue) - 18 ~ 29 years (white, blue, purple, brown and black)
  • Master 1 and above (Female Gi) 120 SGD
    30 years and above
  • Adult (Male No Gi) 120 SGD
    16 ~ 17 (white and blue) - 18 ~ 29 years (white, blue, purple, brown and black)
  • Master 1 and above (Male No Gi) 120 SGD
    30 Years and above
  • Adult (Female No Gi) 120 SGD
    16 ~ 17 (white and blue) - 18 ~ 29 years (white, blue, purple, brown and black)
  • Master 1 and above (Female No Gi) 120 SGD
    30 years and above
  • Juvenile Boys Gi 120 SGD
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Boys No Gi 120 SGD
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls Gi 120 SGD
    16-17 years
  • Juvenile Girls No Gi 120 SGD
    16-17 years
  • Boys Born in 2009 - 2010 Gi 120 SGD
    14 and 15 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2009 - 2010 Gi 120 SGD
    14 and 15 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2009 - 2010 No Gi 120 SGD
    14 and 15 Years Old
  • Absolute Male Gi White 0 SGD
  • Girls Born in 2009 - 2010 No Gi 120 SGD
    14 and 15 Years Old
  • Absolute Male Gi Blue 0 SGD
  • Absolute Male Gi Purple 0 SGD
  • Boys Born in 2011 - 2012 Gi 120 SGD
    12 and 13 Years Old
  • Absolute Male No Gi White 0 SGD
  • Girls Born in 2011 - 2012 Gi 120 SGD
    12 and 13 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2011 - 2012 No Gi 120 SGD
    12 and 13 Years Old
  • Absolute Male No Gi Blue 0 SGD
  • Girls Born in 2011 - 2012 No Gi 120 SGD
    12 and 13 Years Old
  • Absolute Male No Gi Purple 0 SGD
  • Absolute Female Gi White 0 SGD
  • Boys Born in 2013 - 2014 Gi 120 SGD
    10 and 11 Years Old
  • Absolute Female Gi Blue 0 SGD
  • Girls Born in 2013 - 2014 Gi 120 SGD
    10 and 11 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2013 - 2014 No Gi 120 SGD
    10 and 11 Years Old
  • Absolute Female No Gi White 0 SGD
  • Girls Born in 2013 - 2014 No Gi 120 SGD
    10 and 11 Years Old
  • Absolute Female No Gi Blue 0 SGD
  • Boys Born in 2015 - 2016 Gi 120 SGD
    8 and 9 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2015 - 2016 Gi 120 SGD
    8 and 9 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2015 - 2016 No Gi 120 SGD
    8 and 9 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2015 - 2016 No Gi 120 SGD
    8 and 9 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2017 - 2018 Gi 120 SGD
    6 and 7 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2017 - 2018 Gi 120 SGD
    6 and 7 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2017 - 2018 No Gi 120 SGD
    6 and 7 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2017 - 2018 No Gi 120 SGD
    6 and 7 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2019 - 2020 Gi 120 SGD
    4 and 5 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2019 - 2020 Gi 120 SGD
    4 and 5 Years Old
  • Boys Born in 2019 - 2020 No Gi 120 SGD
    4 and 5 Years Old
  • Girls Born in 2019 - 2020 No Gi 120 SGD
    4 and 5 Years Old
