Spokane Submission Challenge 7
Thank you for your interest in the Spokane Submission Challenge 7! We are back at Mix Park just north of Spokane in Deer Park, WA. The beautiful outdoor setting was amazing last year, and we are excited to be back again! We hope to see you on the mats!! Adults compete 24 September and children compete 25 September!
Spokane Submission Challenge Rules
Spokane Submission Challenge is a Submission only tournament within normal regulation time. Competitors can win by executing a legal (within rules) submission, an overtime score, or referee decision. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated at this tournament, and tournament officials can, and will disqualify any competitor at any time for inappropriate behavior. Any spectators displaying unsportsmanlike conduct will be removed from the tournament. We look forward to continuing to build a strong reputation in our Jiu-Jitsu community. Any questions can be directed to Adam Smith at professor@spokanevalleybjj.com. Thank you to everyone involved in this experience!
Time Limits
Adults (18+ divisions) 5 min (1 minute overtime) Gi & No-Gi
Youth (17& under divisions) 3 min (1 minute overtime) Gi & No-Gi
(after overtime it will be the referee decision based on control and submission attempts)
Weigh ins
All competitors will weigh-in the day of competition 45 min before competition begins. Competitors will be given a 30 minute window for weigh-ins (ex. 9am white belts will start weigh ins at 8:15am and continue until 8:45).
Overtime will be 1 minute for both adults and kids. First competitor to score a point wins the overtime. Points are scored when successful control (approx. 3sec) has been secured. Positions to secure the win in overtime are as follows- Mount, Back Grab (with hooks), Back Mount, Guard Pass, Sweep, Takedown, Knee on Belly.
We aim to create a Safe, Fair, Practical and Exciting tournament for all competitors. Referees have competitor safety as the highest priority, officials will stop and call an end to any match where a competitors safety is in question (i.e. kids competitors with straight or compromising arm locks).
Illegal Submissions will be as follows:
-Flying guard pulls and Submissions
-All leg submissions
-Spinal locks (i.e. twister)
-Neck Cranks
-Wrist Locks
-Guillotine Chokes (12 & under)
-Pulling head in triangle (12 & under)
- Locks inside closed guard compressing ribs and/or kidneys
-Bicep or calf slicer
-Wrist locks
Adults (All):
-Neck Cranks
-Spinal Locks
-Heel Hooks
-Sideways Knee bars
-Bending fingers
Illegal for White and Blue Belts:
-Toe hold
-Calf Slicer
-Bicep Slicer
-Knee bar
Illegal for White Belts
-Wrist locks
-Jumping/ Flying closed guard or submissions
We look forward to a great and continuing event!
Boys Gi 50 USD
Boys No-Gi 50 USD
Girls Gi 50 USD
Girls No-Gi 50 USD
Juvenile Boys Gi 50 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Boys No-Gi 50 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Girls Gi 50 USD16-17 years
Juvenile Girls No-Gi 50 USD16-17 years
Male Gi 50 USD18 years and above
Male No-Gi 50 USD18 years and above
Female Gi 50 USD18 years and above
Female No-Gi 50 USD18 years and above
Male Absolute Gi 50 USD
Male Absolute No-Gi 50 USD
Female Absolute Gi 50 USD
Female Absolute No-Gi 50 USD