Payment Information

Bank - First National Bank (FNB)

Account Number - 62921679851

Branch Code - 250044

Please provide the following information as refence when making a payment:

Name and Surname of competitor.


Weight class

Example: Piet Kriel/advanced male/-76.

Also please send all Proof of payments to [email protected]


  • Male No-Gi BJJ Beginner ADCC Rules and Regulations 200 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Male No-Gi BJJ Advanced Division 200 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Female No-Gi BJJ Advanced Division 200 ZAR
    18 years and above
  • Kids No-Gi Under 18 Boys 150 ZAR
  • Kids No-Gi Under 18 Girls 150 ZAR

Cancel/Refund policy