Division Information
Please ensure you choose the correct age for division. We will do our best to match everyone accordingly to the age they have registered at, but please note, in cases of just a single person in your division, you will be merged to the best option available. And yes, we will cater to the Masters out there.
Ages are -
Under 25yrs
Under 30yrs
Under 35yrs
Under 40yrs
Under 45yrs
Under 50yrs
Under 55yrs
Over 55yrs
We will be keeping our weight divisions real simple.
Under 66kgs
Under 77kgs
Under 88kgs
Under 99kgs
Over 99kgs
Absolute (open weight)
Weights in the options are represented as net with the appropriate Gi or No Gi allowance already included in division e.g. the 77kg division already includes the Gi and No-Gi uniform weight allowance of said division. If you register for the Under 77kgs division, you MUST weigh in wearing your uniform on and be under 77kgs. Weigh ins will be from 830am on the day of the competition and you only have to weigh in once. If a competitor does not make the weight, they have 1hr to make weight from the initial time of stepping on the official scales.There will be a 300gram weight allowance for any scale discrepancies.
Male Beginner No-Gi 49 AUD17yo+
Male Intermediate No-Gi 49 AUD17yo+
Male Advanced No-Gi 49 AUD17yo+
Female Beginner No-Gi 49 AUD16yo+
Female Intermediate No-Gi 49 AUD17yo+
Female Advanced No-Gi 49 AUD18yo+
Adult Male No-Gi Absolute 10 AUD
Adult Female No-Gi Absolute 10 AUD